Chapter 35 - Date Night

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It was the 1st of April. Fred's first birthday. We discussed as a family what we would do. We all came to the same conclusion Fred would be brought up as mine and George's son. It worked for everyone. Luckily Fred looked very much like a Weasley.

For the first couple of weeks I walked on eggshells thinking Pansy was going to show up and take him back. But we never saw her. I did however see a picture of her and some old pureblood wizard in the engaged column of the Daily Prophet. She looked happy, she finally got what she wanted. Status and money.

"He's out like a light." I walked into my kitchen. George was putting dishes away.

"Here take a seat. I've poured you a glass of wine." I sat on the chair and took my heels off rubbing my feet. Today had been crazy. Who knew children could get so much stuff.

"I think today went really well. Fred was spoilt rotten. I think I might need a bigger place." I laughed. I had been thinking about moving for a a long time, my flat wasn't that big and Fred was going to get bigger.

George finished and came and sat on the chair beside me.

"Why don't the two of you come and stay with me? I've got the house. It's far too big for just me. It's meant for a family." George looked at me intently.

"Oh I don't know. We would be in your way. You would have to give up your bachelor pad. It's hard to date with a baby." Not that I had dated anyone. I hadn't been out with anyone since Ron. Well that I knew of.

George brought his chair closer, he was now right in front of me.

"Maybe all I've ever needed is right in front of me." He leaned in and kissed me. It was lovely, gentle and caring. Everything you would want in a kiss.

"Think about it Hermione, we are a good match. We make each other laugh and there's no drama. Fred would grow up with a mum and dad that are together. Next Saturday let's go on a date just the two of us. Give me a chance to show you how it could be." Everything George said made perfect sense. He was a safe option but there was a nagging feeling in my stomach. I pushed that feeling deep inside. I took a sip of my wine.

"Ok George. I'll go on a date with you." He took my hand and kissed me on my knuckles.

"You won't regret it I promise you." I really hope he was right.

The week flew by and before I knew it I was walking to a restaurant to meet George. My stomach was full of butterflies. This was the first date I had gone on since Ron. Well that I can remember. George had picked this lovely bistro near the Ministry.

I walked in and saw George sitting down. He had on a suit with a crisp white shirt. The first two buttons were undone and he had combed his hair. He looked smart, sexy, handsome.

He stood as I got to the table and came and kissed me on the cheek and pulled out my chair.

"Hermione you look beautiful darling." I could feel the flush of my cheeks as I sat down.

"You don't scrub up too bad yourself." It's been a long time since I've felt this confident about the way I look but there's still this odd feeling in my stomach.

George and I are sitting chatting and this man comes over. He's small, round and adorable.

"Ah Miss Hermione how are you? It's been so long since I've seen you." I stare at the man. I've never seen him in my life.

"You'll have to excuse her she lost her memory almost a year ago and she can't remember things from a few years ago." The man looked crushed.

"Oh I am so sorry to hear that. I really enjoyed serving you and Mr Draco when you came here." I grimaced. I came here with Malfoy. I can't imagine coming here with him.

"Anyway let's order I don't know about you but I am starving." George began to order as I wondered how often I came here with Malfoy.

The conversation flowed easily between George and I. We laughed until we cried. He had walked me back to my flat and we were standing on the doorstep. It was awkward.

"I had such a good time tonight." George looked a little uneasy.

"Yes so did I but -"

"But I think we should just be friends. I just don't feel that spark with you. I really hope you understand." George began to laugh.

"Oh thank Merlin. I had been thinking this too and didn't know how to bring it up." We both laughed and then hugged each other goodbye. I still couldn't get the odd feeling to go away as I lay down on my bed and went to sleep.

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