Chapter 15 - How Much I Want You

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"Mother you didn't have to come round." My mother arrived this morning with a whole bakery.

"Nonsense darling. I wanted to make sure you were ok. I know you were seeing Hermione last night since she'd left to marry that Weasley boy." I'd told mother all about Hermione getting married. Mother sat down and took my hand.

"Are you ok Draco? All I want is for you to be happy and I know how much you like her." A massive smile was on my face.

"She's not married mother." My mother looked at me shocked.

"Not married? What do you mean?"

"She caught Ron cheating. He'd been shagging Pansy Parkinson on and off for years. She found them in that joke shop of his the day she left work." My mother laughed.

"Oh that is fabulous darling. Pansy's mother will be spitting feathers. She always wanted her to marry you. Now she's shagging a Weasley." Our families had been friends for years even though we couldn't stand them.

"I wonder if that was the day I bumped into Hermione in Diagon Alley and we had tea." I stopped and stared at my mother.

"I'm sorry tea? Hermione? Please explain."

"Oh she bumped into me darling and looked frightfully awful the poor girl. She'd been at her wedding dress fitting and was very upset. A bride to be should be floating on cloud nine and she looked like she wanted the ground to swallow her. I took her to that darling little tearoom and we had a chat." I couldn't picture my mother and Hermione drinking tea and chatting.

"Chatting mother. You don't do chatting."

"I simply told her that loyalty doesn't have to be the be all and end all, that it is ok to put herself first. That she can have what she wants. To put her happiness first darling. I know she didn't love that Weasley boy. It was obvious. Her heart belongs to someone else." She took a sip of her tea and gave me a knowing look.

"Well she's coming over today mother. I'm cooking her dinner." My mother smiled at me.

"Well let's finish of our tea and get some shopping. We've got an important meal to make."


I looked at my bed. Clothes all over it. I didn't know what to wear. Do I go casual, smart casual, sexy, just arrive with a coat and underwear underneath. I was stressing out. Out the corner of my eye I saw the green scarf Draco gave me for my birthday. Just like that I had an outfit. I pulled on black skinny jeans, a white blouse, leather jacket, black knee high boots and the scarf. I kept my make up light and my hair was wavy.

I arrived at Draco's door. I felt nervous. I'm not sure why but I did. I knocked on the door and just about moaned as he answered the door wearing black jeans, grey t shirt and bare feet.

"Hello love. Come in." I walked into the hall and was instantly pushed up against the wall. He ran his fingers through my hair and tugged to bring my face up to his.

"This has felt like the longest day ever waiting for you to get here." He crashed his lips into mine. I couldn't help but let out a moan and that's all the invitation he needed. Our tongues danced together and my hands made their way over his back. He pulled away breathing heavily.

"I'll never get enough of you love." He then noticed the scarf I was wearing.

"Your wearing the scarf I gave you. I can't wait to use that later" he winked and took my hand and led me into the kitchen.


"Draco I can't possibly eat another bite. That was amazing." I'd made a range of Spanish tapas dishes and mother had made a chocolate cake.

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