Chapter 27 - I Love You

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I couldn't wait to be finished work. My mind had been distracted all day thinking of Hermione naked at home waiting for me. I'd been painfully hard most of the day. Thank Merlin I didn't have any meetings today.

*knock, knock*

"Draco darling it's me." My mother walked into my office.

"Mother, what are you doing here? Is everything alright?" I gestured for my mother to sit.

"Oh yes darling boy. I've not long said goodbye to Hermione. Tell me Draco when do you plan to propose to her?" I gawked at my mother.

"I am not stupid Draco I know all about the ring. Your father and I have no secrets. Now when do you plan to propose?" With everything that had been going on the last few weeks I hadn't even thought about it.

"Well mother we've been busy. I am sure you can appreciate that we've had more important things going on. I want it to be special, to mean something."

"Darling boy, Hermione doesn't need some grand gesture she just wants to be loved. She wants to feel like she's part of a family. She's having your baby Draco. Do you know she asked me today what your father and I thought of her?" I froze wondering how my mother answered this question.

"Obviously I told her we were thrilled but she's had a lifetime of prejudice from our family Draco. Your father, myself, your aunt, even you Draco. For years she's heard how she isn't good enough. That doesn't just vanish. She still has doubts niggling away." I never really thought about it like that. I assumed Hermione was fine with everything but if she did have doubts I wouldn't blame her and I gave her plenty back at Hogwarts.

"She knows you love her darling but I think that ring on her finger will be the confirmation she needs." Mother got off her chair and kissed me on the cheek.

"Don't leave it too long darling." With that she turned and left.

I arrived home. The house was in darkness. I made my way upstairs looking forward to seeing Hermione naked and at my mercy. I walked into our room and it too was in darkness.

"Homenum Revelio" nothing, no one was here. Where was Hermione? I glanced at the clock it was after 6. She should have been back long before now. Panic began to course through my body. What if she was hurt? What if Astoria or someone had taken her?

I picked up my phone and dialed her number. Straight to voicemail. What the fuck! I rushed downstairs checking every room just to make sure. Cruickshank's meowed at me.

"If only you could talk and tell me if she's been home." I sat on a chair at the kitchen table and ran my hand through my hair.

I took my phone and found Potter's number.

"Malfoy what do you want?"

"Potter have you heard from Hermione today? Is she with Ginny?" I heard Ginny in the background.

"'Have you heard or seen Hermione today?" Potter was asking Ginny.

"Neither of us have seen her or heard from her today. What's going on?" I took in a breath.

"She was meant to be here when I got home and she's not. She was supposed to be waiting for me and she's not. I can't get her on the phone and I'm thinking all sorts could have happened to her." I heard Ginny say something to Potter.

"She could have gone to a library? You know what she is like once she's got her head in a book. Give her another hour and if she hasn't appeared give me a call and we'll look for her." It wouldn't be the first time Hermione has spent hours with her head in a book.

"Ok Potter. Thanks. I'll talk to you later." I hung up and stared at the clock counting the minutes, praying to Merlin she was alright.


"So you and Malfoy huh? I never saw that one coming. Fred and I said, when Ron fucked things up, one of us would show you how a real Weasley man is. Fred called dibs. Said he'd always found you hot and irritating." I flushed and laughed at the same time.

"He said I could have my chance over his dead body." A sadness washed over his features.

"But then bloody Malfoy came out of nowhere and stole you from me! So I think to make me feel better you need to call the baby George." He gave me the biggest grin.

"What happens if it's a girl?"

"Georgina obviously! I think it's the least you two can do." I laughed and then gasped.

"Is that the time?" It's was 6.40. I needed to get home.

"I'm so sorry George I need to go but it's been lovely to catch up." I hugged him and made my way to the door.

"Remember George or Georgina to help heal my wounded heart." He grinned and waved as I left the shop.

I hope to Merlin Draco wasn't home yet.


I heard the front door open. I knocked the chair over as I got up and rushed to the door. Hermione looked up at me. Her hair was wild and her cheeks were red. She was panting.

"I'm sorry I'm late. I lost track of time." Relief and rage were fighting for control.

"Where were you?" It came out colder than I meant it too.

"Sorry I was in the Alley getting some books and I stopped in to see George at his shop and we were talking and I lost track of time." I stepped closer.

"Lost track of time? It's almost 7 Hermione. I've been going out of my mind!! I thought you'd been hurt or taken." I rubbed the bridge of my nose.

"I said I was sorry." Hermione clipped at me.

"You can't just go doing whatever you like Hermione not with Astoria still on the loose."

"I'm not stopping my life because your psycho ex may or may not have it in for me Draco. I can look after myself. I'm not a child." I could see the rage burning in her eyes.

"Well if the last few weeks have taught us anything love is that you can't look after yourself." The sting of pain landed on my cheek.

"How dare you! How dare you use what Ron did against me." With that she took off up the stairs.

"I'm not done Hermione." I marched up the stairs behind her. Rubbing my cheek. Rage was burning bright in my soul.

"What are you doing?" She had a case open and her clothing and other items were flying into it.

"I've had enough of your shit Draco. You are controlling, possessive and mean. How could you say that to me? How could you use what Ron did against me? If you loved me like you claim you would never have done that." I took a breath my rage started to clear. I now saw I had gone too far. I had hurt her more than I meant too.

I walked over to her.

"I'm sorry love. I'm so so sorry. I was scared and enraged. I didn't mean to say what I said. Please Hermione please don't leave." I could feel tears prick my eyes.

"I need a break Draco. I think we both do. This is all so sudden. I think we need to spend some time apart and realise what we want. This isn't healthy. I'm not made of glass Draco. You can't always protect me." A tear ran down her cheek and I wiped it with my thumb before cupping her cheek with my hand.

"Please, please don't leave me."

"I'm sorry Draco but it's for the best. I'm going to my flat. Please just give me some time." She reached up and kissed my cheek and walked out our room. Her case following behind her.

I got downstairs and she was gone and so was Crookshanks. There was a note on the table.

I love you. Hermione xx

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