Chapter 9 - Taste Me

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*sexual content*


"D-Draco - I want you to touch me." I'd waited years for her to say this too me.

"Are you sure love? Once I start I don't think I'll be able to stop." She looked at me nodding her head while biting her lip.

I put her feet down and scooted my chair right in front of her.

"I need you to tell me this is what you want. You need to say the words love." I searched her eyes looking for an answer.

"Draco I want you to touch me, to taste me. I need you." That was all I needed to hear. My lips crashed down onto hers. I swiped my tongue over her lips. She opened her mouth inviting my tongue in. I put my hands around her waist and lifted her so she was straddling my lap. The slit in her dress left one of her legs bare. I ran my hand up her leg feeling her soft skin.

"You have no idea how long I've waited for this. I'm going to enjoy every bit of this." I captured her mouth in another searing kiss. My hand now at the top of her thigh.

"I love this dress. I love how I could see so much of your leg every time you walked. Tell me love did you wear it for me?"

She looked at me eyes full of heat. "Yes, when I saw it I thought of you and hoped it would make you happy."

"Oh love you made me very happy and very hard. All I could imagine was how it would look on my bedroom floor or how easily I could fuck you with my fingers. I had to stop myself from doing it right there under the table at dinner." I swiped my fingers over her underwear. I could feel how wet she was through her lace panties.

"Always so wet for me love. Your such a good girl." I nipped her earlobe.

She let out a small moan. "Yes, but I don't want to be good anymore." I thought I couldn't get any harder but the thought of Hermione Granger being bad spoke to my soul.

"If you want to be bad you've come to the right place love." I took my hand away from her thigh and stood up. I took her hand and pulled her up. We made our way though the house. I had her pinned up against the wall as we got upstairs.

"Once you are in my bedroom there's no going back love. This is your last chance to change your mind. The only way your leaving my bed is after you've been throughly fucked and screamed my name." She looked at me. I could see the heat in her eyes. She liked the way I was talking to her.

"Promises, promises." Oh she was done for now.


"Promises, promises." I looked at Draco. Oh I was in for it. He backed me up against the door putting his hand around my throat squeezing enough to feel pleasure and pain. I could feel desire between my legs. I needed this man to touch me.

"Are you ready to scream for me love?" Those grey eyes of his looked like storm clouds and I was ready to face the storm.

He pulled me into his room. His room was a dark green, with a huge 4 poster bed. I was thrown onto the bed. Draco was looking at me like I was his prey. He kicked off his shoes, removed his waistcoat and unbuttoned his shirt. I bit my lip as he shrugged off his shirt and I could see his muscles and abs. I couldn't wait to lick and kiss his chest.

"What are you thinking love? Something dirty?"

He walked over to the bed and climbed over me.

"You have no idea how many times I've dreamt of having you in my bed." He played with a strand of my hair.

"Finally I've got you right where I want you." He captured my lips in a searing kiss. One hand in my hair and the other one on my hip. I could feel his cock against me. I'm pretty sure he was huge from what I could feel. I had one hand on his chest and the other one I moved down to his cock. My nimble fingers rubbed through the fabric of his trousers. Merlin he was big.

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