Chapter 36 - Gryffindor Princess

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Double update today. I wish you all a Happy New Year. There's only a handful of chapters left. Please feel free to vote and comment. I decided to do a time jump. Both Georgina and Fred are five. They will be key to the next few chapters. I hope you enjoy them as much as I enjoyed writing them. Claire xx

4 Years Later


"Daddy? Daddy? Can we please go to the park now?" Georgina was standing tapping her foot beside the front door.

"Yes darling just give me a minute. What is the rush? The park isn't going anywhere." She looked at me and rolled her eyes. 5 years old and she could roll her eyes at me. So like her mother. A pang of pain rippled through me.

"We have to go now! I just have this feeling." Well if it was a feeling we better go. Georgina was going to be quite a gifted witch. She already could see or have feelings. They were strong but as she got older I reckon they would manifest.

"Ok, ok let's go." She skipped down the steps as we made our way to her favourite park.

I opened the gate, it really was a beautiful day for being outside. I quite often brought Georgina here. She always managed to find someone to play with. She was such a friendly child. She ran off and before I knew it she was playing with a boy with a shock of ginger hair. If I didn't know better I'd say he could be related to a Weasley. I laughed at the thought. I rounded the corner to go and sit on a bench and stopped in my tracks.


She had on a light blue sundress, her hair was swept over to one side, her legs looked slender and tanned. I could see freckles on her face. She had her head in a book. I smiled. Always with her head in a book.

She looked up, her eyes going wide.

She looked beautiful. Well she always looked beautiful but she looked even more beautiful.

"Malfoy, how? What? Emmm -" she looked flustered. We hadn't seen each other in almost 5 years. I'd kept my distance. Kept our daughter away from her and now here we are.

"Daddy? Daddy? This is Fred he's my new friend." I patted Georgina on the head.

"That's lovely Georgina, I'm glad you have a new friend." Fred looked past me.

"Mummy this is Georgina. We are going to go and play." With that the took each other's hands and ran off.

I turned and looked at Hermione.

"Looks like our children are friends. Who would have thought it." I knew about Fred. Harry had told me. I had to admire Hermione for taking on someone else's child even if it did feel like a stab in the heart.

"She's very pretty your daughter." Hermione glanced over as the kids, they were seeing who could swing the highest.

"She is, she's very much like her mother. Looks and personality wise. She keeps me on my toes." I laughed. It was the truth.

"What about you Granger? Fred? After George's brother?" She nodded.

"Mmmmm yes. George is Fred's father. When we had him we decided to call him Fred. No other name seemed appropriate. He's quite the handful too." She laughed. I missed that laugh so fucking much.

I sat on the bench and was about to ask how she was when the kids came running over.

"Daddy can I tell the story? Please?" I looked down at my daughter. I couldn't deny her.

"Of course darling. But only if it's ok with Fred's mummy." She looked at Hermione.

"Please, please can I tell Fred the story? It's about a Princess and a Prince." Hermione looked at her and then to me. She quirked an eyebrow.

"Of course." The kids came and sat on the grass in front of us.

"My daddy told me this story. There once was a Princess, she was beautiful, smart, brave and always right. She was known as the Gryffindor Princess, Gryffindor is a house at Hogwarts. I am going there when I am older." I saw Hermione gasp.

"She was loved by all including an evil Prince. He was mean and cruel to the Princess but he loved her and did for many, many years. One day the Prince and Princess met after many years had passed. They had both grown. The Prince had changed. He was no longer mean to the Princess. He showed her he could be kind, thoughtful and in time she learned to love him just as he loved her." Hermione was hanging on Georgina's every word.

"They loved each other so much that the Princess ended up with a baby in her tummy. This made the Prince and Princess very happy. He said that she was no longer a Princess, she was his Queen." Georgina looked sad.

"She was taken away by some bad people and the Prince went to save his Queen but he was too late. She had been hurt. He took her to safety and the baby too. They had a little Princess, she looked just like the Queen but she had eyes like the Prince." Hermione just stared at Georgina.

"When the Queen woke up she forgot about the Prince. She forgot how kind he was. She forgot how she loved him and he loved her. She even forgot about her little Princess. But the Prince said that one day his Queen would remember and when that day came they would all be a family again." A lone tear ran down Hermione's cheek.

Georgina rummaged in her bag.

"This green scarf belonged to the Queen. Do you see that serpent pin? That's from the Prince. He was in Slytherin, did you know that's a house at Hogwarts too?" Hermione nodded.

"Daddy can we go and play again?" I nodded yes and the two of them took off across the park.

"Hermione I'm - do you - do you remem -"

"Daddy? Mummy look daddy is here!" Fred came running over to Hermione.

I looked up and saw George Weasley walking towards us. He was wearing a suit. His hair slightly longer on top and cropped at the sides.

Hermione got up and walked towards him. He kissed her on the check.

"Hey darling. I see you've got company." Hermione turned and looked back at me.

Georgina came running over.

"Daddy this is my friend Georgina. She's really fun to play with." With that Fred took my daughters hand and ran away to play again. George looked at me.

"Georgina is a good name." He put his hand on the small of Hermione's back.

"Mmmm I thought so. She was named after someone important to her mother." I stared at George's hand on Hermione's back and he quirked his eyebrow at me.

"How did the meeting go today?" Hermione took a seat on the bench again.

"Good, the patent and investment should be in place next month thanks to you." Hermione blushed.

"It was nothing, easy really. It was you who put in the hard work." George moved a piece of Hermione's hair and put it behind her ear. I could feel my blood start to boil. I couldn't bare seeing someone else touch her. Something caught my eye. A wedding ring on his hand. They were married. Of course she'd marry, who wouldn't want to marry her. I needed to leave. I couldn't handle this.

"Georgina, Georgina sweetheart we need to go." Georgina came over to me pouting.

"But Daddy, do we have too? Just a bit longer."

"I'm sorry sweetheart but we need to leave. You are going to Grandma and Granpa's house tonight. Go and say goodbye to Fred." Her face brightened at the mention of my parents. She loved them both dearly especially my father.

"It was nice to see you both again. Sorry we have to leave, Georgina is visiting my parents and I have a date to get ready for." I stood up and walked away from Hermione holding our little girls hand, the only person that would ever hold my heart.

We walked through the gate and Georgina looked up at me.

"Mummy still doesn't remember us does she daddy?" I looked down at my daughters sad face.

"No my darling, I don't know if she ever will."

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