Chapter 40 - Time

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6 months later


I looked out the terrace at the Italian scenery. I could stay here forever.

"Hermione darling, it's time." I turned to see Narcissa and Molly looking at me.

"You look beautiful dear." Molly came up and kissed me on the cheek and walked out the room.

It just left Narcissa and I.

"I would just like to thank you darling. You've given my son so much love and laughter. You really are the best thing to have happened to him." A lone tear ran down her face.

"Oh Narcissa you are going to ruin your make up and mine." I hugged her tightly and she left.

I looked at myself in the mirror. I looked good. The perfect picture of the blushing bride. 9 years left and I didn't want to miss out on anything. Draco and I were getting married today and I couldn't be happier.

A knock on the door. It was time to marry my man, my prince, no my king.


The music began and I looked up to see Georgina and Fred walking down together. The two of them had really bonded over the last few months. They truly were like brother and sister despite them not being blood relations. The both came to a stop and stood across from me. Next came Ginny she strolled down with confidence and grace. She'd been a rock to myself and Hermione both her and Potter had spent a lot of time with us over the last few month. Their son James was the same age as Georgina and Fred so it worked out well.

Everyone stood and I knew my Queen was next. I couldn't wait to make her mine. To have her as mine.

I looked up and she stole my breath away. He dress was light and airy. The light bounced off the gold embroidery, her hair was curled and hung down her back. She was the most beautiful woman I ever saw and I was lucky enough to call her mine.

Potter stood between us

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Potter stood between us. He shook my hand grasping it tightly.

"Just remember Malfoy she is like a sister to me. I love and care for her deeply so you better take care of her or I'll be forced to hurt you." Hermione rolled her eyes.

"Of for godsakes Harry can you not do this right now. We all know you and Draco have some sort of bromance thing going on now kindly let go of him so we can get married." There was a few laughs from our guests and Harry let go of my hand.

"Sorry Mione." He kissed her cheek and took a seat.

"Ready?" I looked into her beautiful hazel eyes.

"More than ready." She smiled back at me.


"Have I told you how beautiful you are?" Hermione was lying in a bikini enjoying the sun.

"Mmmmm only ten times so far my love." I scoffed.

"Only ten that will not do." I kissed her deeply.

"Mrs Malfoy you are the most beautiful woman I've ever seen. Now let's get you inside so I can worship you like the Queen you are."


Five Years Later

"Mum, Dad! It's came! It's finally here." Georgina ran into the kitchen waving a letter around.

"Look ones come for Fred too." She popped the letters onto the table and ran upstairs to get Fred.

"I can't believe it's that time already." I picked up the letter seeing the familiar Hogwarts wax seal.

"I know my love but we knew it was only a matter of time before they would both be off to Hogwarts." Hermione wrapped her arms around me.

"Fred hurry up! Honestly Fred!" Georgina was so like her mother it was unreal. She had already been reading all about Hogwarts and had looked at some of the books from when Hermione and I had studied there.

"I can't wait to do potions and charms." I watched as she jumped around the kitchen.

Fred appeared in the doorway. I handed him his letter.

"Here you go young man. I told you you'd get a letter." Georgina had a lot of accidental magic. She was also gifted with legilimens we discovered a few years ago. A gift passed down by my side of the family. Fred however had only a few accidental magic and so far had no other gifts. He spent many a night thinking he would not be a good wizard.

"Thanks Dad. I can't wait to see what house I'll be sorted into."

"I have no doubt at least one of you will be a Gryffindor but if you want to go to Slytherin that's fine too." I could see Hermione rolling her eyes at me.

"Stop trying to recruit the kids into your club. You know the sorting hat will put them where it sees fit. Now you two go and get ready and let's go to Diagon Alley!"


Hermione and I stood on platform 9 3/4 surrounded by friends and family. The kids were chatting away to friends and siblings before they headed off on their journey to Hogwarts.

"I doesn't seem that long ago we were away to Hogwarts." I smiled down at Hermione.

"Yes my love I can remember it all too well." I looked over at Georgina. She was chatting to James. He'd said something to her and touched her arm and her cheeks turned pink.

"You know she quite likes him?" I quirked an eyebrow.

"What Georgina like James? As in a friend right?" I heard Hermione laugh.

"No my love. She likes him a bit more than that." I looked at the two of them.

"Oh no that can't happen. I mean it's bad enough we see the bloody Potters all the time as it is. Can you imagine if the two of them get together. She'd be a Potter." Hermione laughed out loud.

"Has Malfoy just figured out about James and Georgina?" Ginny came and stood next to us.

"Mmmm hmmm, I think it's rather sweet."

The train horn sounded telling the students to say there goodbyes. Fred and Georgina came rushing over.

"Now remember and keep an eye on your pets you two. Remember your books and watch the moving staircases." They both hugged Hermione.

"Also remember and watch out for a tabby cat. It'll be Headmistress McGonagall." I hugged both the kids and watched as they disappeared into the train. We watched as it pulled away and then it was gone.

"What now my love?"


"Draco? Draco? A letter came from Georgina. Come down so we can read it." I walked into the kitchen.

Dear Mum and Dad,

Fred and I got sorted. Fred is in Gryffindor and I was sorted into Slytherin. I was a bit sad at first but James got sorted into Slytherin too so we have each other. Fred says hello and we miss you both.

Love Georgina and Fred.

"Awww that's lovely she and James have each other." Hermione couldn't keep the smirk off her face.

"Bloody Potters, got a lot to answer for. Just wait till I rip into Potter for having a son in Slytherin!"

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