Chapter 11 - Also call me Narcissa

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Small amounts of sunlight were streaming through the curtains in my room. I looked down to see Hermione's head resting on my chest. One of her legs was draped over me. I'd worn her out. I didn't let her sleep till the sun started to come up. I'd told her I loved her last night. She didn't say it back but I'd had years of loving her. I stroked a hand down her back and she moved and those big brown eyes looked up at me.

"Good Morning love. How are you this morning?" She yawned and stretched. Her hair was all over the place but she was still the most beautiful woman I'd ever seen.

"A little sore but it was worth it." She leaned up and kissed me.

"How are you?" She was playing with my hair.

"I am perfect. Last night was amazing. You are amazing love."

"We should really talk about-"

*ding dong*

"Hold that thought love." I grabbed a t shirt and a pair of joggers and threw them on. I jogged down the stairs to my front door.

"Draco darling. Sorry did I wake you?" My mother was standing on my front door step.

"I was in the neighbourhood and thought I would drop in. I brought scones. You don't mind do you darling? It's just I haven't seen you in a while. Aren't you going to let me in?"

"Yes of course mother. Why don't you head into the kitchen and I'll be back in a minute." I ran back up the stairs.

Hermione was sitting up in my bed.

"My Mother is downstairs. She's brought scones."


"My Mother is downstairs. She's brought scones." Merlin sakes. Draco's mother is downstairs. I hadn't seen Mrs Malfoy since the war ended.

"Draco I can't see your mother. She won't approve of me. I'm some silly mudblood." Draco looked at me warily.

"She's changed Hermione. She doesn't share those views anymore." Just then we heard.

"Draco darling please tell your lady friend I have enough scones for us all." She said in a sing song voice.

"How does she know!" How did she know. Could she hear us?

"Your shoes love. They are still in the kitchen and so is your coat." I felt myself go pale. I'll have to go downstairs. I'll have to see Draco's mother.

"Draco I have nothing to wear. I can't wear my dress and you've ripped my underwear too." I whisper shouted too him. He was smirking at me. He walked over to a chest of drawers and pulled out a black t shirt, a pair of his boxers and a pair of joggers.

"Here you go love. I'll go and keep my mother company. I'll see you downstairs." He placed the clothes beside me and gave me a quick kiss before disappearing. What have I got myself in too.


I made my way into my kitchen. My mother had been busy. Jams, cream and butter were on the table. Coffee and tea were being brewed and the scones were in the oven judging by the smell.

My mother looked up as I entered the kitchen. A smirk playing on her lips.

"So is your lady friend going to join us Draco? I must say she has excellent taste in shoes." I rubbed the back of my neck.

"Yes about that Mother I want you on your best behaviour please. I really like her." I looked at my mother pleading with my eyes.

"Oh my dear darling boy. You don't just like her. You love her." My cheeks flushed.

"I - I. What? How do you?"

"A mother knows Draco. I've always known." No she couldn't possibly know about her.

I felt her presence behind me. She smelt of apples but also of my cologne.

"Hermione darling. So lovely to see you. Please sit at the table. I've brewed some coffee and there's tea. The scones are just away to come out the oven." My mother's eyes sparkled.

"Thank you Mrs Malfoy. It's lovely to see you again too." Hermione sat down at the table pouring herself a cup of coffee.

"Draco darling do sit down. You are cluttering up the kitchen." I heard Hermione let out a soft laugh.

My mother came over with a plate of scones. "Eat darlings before they get cold." I did enjoy my mother's visits. She always had to bring me some sort of treat.

"So Hermione, how have you been? Draco was telling me you've been working together on the Quiditch World Cup?" She poured herself a cup of tea.

"Eh yes Mrs Malfoy. We've picked a place and had a big dinner last night so we could mingle and meet representatives from the different countries." Hermione took a bite of her scone and let out the faintest of moans. I just heard her.

"These are delicious."

"Thank you darling I made them myself. I've a lot of time on my hands these days and I've found I'm quite fond of baking. I'm trying to fatten Draco up a bit. Also call me Narcissa."

"Well these are really good Narcissa." Hermione reached over to grab some more jam. I could see my mother tense beside me. Her eyes transfixed to Hermione's mudblood scar. I could see tears beginning to form. My mother quickly got up and walked over to the range cooker. She quickly dabbed her eyes. My mother had loved her sister Bellatrix but over the years her sister became more and more unhinged.  Her hatred of those who were not pure blood consumed her. My mother no longer shared those same beliefs and I knew she felt terrible for what had happened at the manor.

She brought over some more coffee before sitting down again.

"So how is father?" My father never left their home these days. The war had taken its toll on him.

"Your father is ok. He would love to see you soon. Maybe you could come next weekend? Maybe you both could?" I could see Hermione stiffen beside me.

"Let me check what's happening this week and I'll owl you mother." I gave her a pointed look.

"Ok darling. Anyway I better get going. I am sure you both have things to do today and I've still got some errands to run. Hermione it was lovely to see you. Hopefully we'll see each other again soon."

"It was lovely to see you too Narcissa." I walked my mother to the front door. She turned around and kissed my cheek.

"It's lovely to see you finally happy Draco. I always knew you had a soft spot for Hermione." With that she turned and left. I walked back into the kitchen. Hermione looked sad.

"I better go home Draco before Ron gets there before me." I stormed over to her and crashed my lips into hers. I poured myself into her. Making sure she wouldn't forget me anytime soon. She was mine and I intended to make sure she would always be mine.

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