Chapter 17 - Viktor Krum

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It couldn't be Astoria last time I heard she was in St Mungo's in the Janus Thickey Ward. This is where resident witches and wizards stayed when they couldn't go back into society.

I brought over two cups of tea to the table in my kitchen. Cruickshank's was happily fast asleep on one of the chairs.

"So what happened between you and Astoria?" Hermione took a sip of her tea.

"Our last year of school Astoria and I started dating. I was trying to move on from you and she was a nice girl. Her sister Daphne was in our year." Hermione nodded her head.

"When I left Hogwarts Astoria said she would leave with me. I told her her education was important and she should stay. She would owl me everyday to see what I was doing and who I was with. She turned up at my parents on Christmas Day claiming to be pregnant with my child." Hermione gasped.

"I told her that we would work something out that I would be there for her. I wasn't going to abandon a woman who was caring my child. My mother booked us an appointment at St Mungo's to confirm the pregnancy and to get the relative care she and the baby would need. Astoria was furious. She said that I didn't believe she was pregnant. She started becoming more unhinged. The day of our appointment arrived and I found Astoria at the bottom of the staircase. She claimed she had slipped and fell and in doing so she had lost the baby. I rushed her to St Mungo's and they checked her over. She'd never been pregnant Hermione." I looked up at her and tears were forming in her eyes.

"I'd been in touch with her mother and told her everything. She arrived at St Mungo's and we both went in to speak to Astoria. We told her we knew she'd never been pregnant. She started screaming saying we were liars that she had been pregnant. She told me we could try again. I told her that we couldn't be together anymore that we weren't good for each other. As I walked out she screamed at me. She told me "Draco you are mine. You will always be mine." Tears will falling down Hermione's face.

"I'm so sorry you had to go through that Draco. Do you really think it could be her? Why would she target me?" Draco grabbed the back of his neck.

"She knew I loved you Hermione. She caught me staring and we had a huge bust up about it." I leaned over the table and grabbed Hermione's hand.

"I'm so sorry love. I'll get in contact with her mother tomorrow and we will see what is going on."


Draco and I decide to go to work separately. We weren't sure if we were being watched and thought it would be safer. I sat in my office trying to work but my brain wouldn't shut up. I was nervous about finding out if Astoria was out. If she was it made sense it could be her but if it wasn't her then who was it that trashed my flat.

Just then there was a knock at the door.

"Come in." The last person I expected to walk in came through my door. Viktor Krum. I stood up to greet him.

"Viktor, how lovely to see you. This is a surprise." He kissed me on both cheeks.

"Hermione, you look lovely as always. I was visiting Draco and thought I would come and see you. I also wanted to ask you out to lunch." Shit I didn't really want to go with him but I couldn't really say no.

"That would be lovely Viktor."

We went to this little cafe not far from the Ministry. When Viktor and I hung out at Hogwarts he mainly watched me study. He was my first kiss and the first boy to take an interest in me.

"What are you thinking?" He was looking at me curiously across the table.

"I was just thinking how bored you must have been watching me study at Hogwarts all those years ago Viktor." I gave a soft laugh.

"Not at all. You are beautiful. Watching you study was very em interesting." Again I laughed.

"Hermione you really should come with me to Bulgaria one day and watch me play Quidditch. I am an excellent seeker." I had no doubt he was a great player but I had no intentions of going to see him.

"Maybe we can make it a date? I've always liked you Hermione. You've been in my thoughts all these years." Oh Merlin this can't be happening.

"I'd planned to tell you this until Malfoy came and stole you from me at the party." He practically spat out Malfoy. There was something going on between these two.

"Viktor I'm very flattered but as you know I've just come out a relationship with Ron and I'm really not looking for another relationship right now." What lies Hermione.

"But I am so lucky to have you as a friend." I could see fury sweep across his face for a few seconds.

"I will wait Hermione. One day you will see that we are meant to be." With that he got up and stormed out of the cafe.


I was waiting in Hermione's office. I'd spoken to Astoria's mother and the news was not good. Hermione scrambled into her office and jumped when she saw me.

"It's ok love it's just me." I went over and kissed her on the head. She looked panicked.

"What's wrong love?" She was tense. There was something going on.

"I've just come back from lunch with Viktor Krum." I instantly wrapped her protectively in my arms.

"Draco what's going on with you two? He practically spat your name out at lunch and you act weird anytime he is mentioned." Draco tensed up.

"He's not a good man Hermione. I've heard things things you wouldn't want to know. Just stay away from him please love."

"He told me at lunch that we were meant to be together." Draco let out a growl.

"Will you fuck be going anywhere near him. Women that are around him go missing." Missing what does he mean missing?

"When we worked in Bulgaria together we would go out as a team mainly pr stuff. Krum was always surrounded by women, he had his pick and he loved it. Thing was the women would disappear. A few turned up but they didn't remember him or they looked like they had been tortured." Hermione gasped.

"One of the guys on the team Nikolas could see in people's minds. He'd seen inside Krum's. He liked to torture women Hermione. That's how he got his pleasure he'd torture them, fuck them and oblivate them." Hermione sat down. She looked like she was going to be sick.

"Of course no one has come forward and the managers wouldn't listen so that's why I left. I couldn't work alongside that sick fuck. This is why you cannot be alone with him. You must stay away from him Hermione he's dangerous." Here was where it was going to get worse.

"Astoria escaped Hermione and Viktor was the one that helped her."

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