Chapter 28 - Bloody Wanker

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Three weeks. That's how long it had been since I saw Draco. He had to go away a couple of days after I left his house and I'd had the occasional owl but apart from that I hadn't heard from him. Hardly surprising when he's been living it up in Spain. I had a copy of The Daily Prophet in my hand.


Draco Malfoy was seen leaving a woman's house late in evening. My sources say that he has been seeing the woman every day for the last two weeks. Could he be cheating on Hermione Granger? She's currently back at work in the Ministry and sporting a small baby bump. Could the Gryffindor Princess have lost her Prince to a Spanish Queen?

"Wanker." I crumpled the page.

"Hermione you shouldn't read what Skeeter writes. You know it's all rubbish." Ginny sat on the opposite sofa.

"It's hard not to believe it when there's photos Ginny." I sighed and rubbed my hand on my stomach. I never planned on being a single mother but it looks like I might not have a choice.

"I'm sure there's an explanation for this Hermione. You can ask him tomorrow." I looked at Ginny.

"Tomorrow? How can I ask him tomorrow?"

"Ehhh he's back tomorrow. Harry told me. He's been talking to Draco while he's been away. They met up in Spain while Harry was on a job." An exasperated sigh left my lips.

"You would think Harry would have told me this considering I am meant to be his best friend. Since when did those two get so friendly. Bloody wankers the pair of them." I huffed. I could really use a glass, no a bottle of wine right now.

"Yeah they seem to have some sort of boys club thing going on. I told Harry to speak to you. Anyway I better go but go and see Draco tomorrow. You are bloody miserable without him." Ginny apparated out my flat.

She was right I was miserable. I padded through to my bed. I hated this place. I'd need to sell and get a bigger place before the baby came. Cruickshank's glared at me from my bed.

"Oh don't you start! I know you miss him too. I get it." I climbed into bed and dreamed of Draco just like every night.

It was Saturday afternoon and the rain was torrential in London. I was a few houses away from Draco's. I was nervous about seeing him. I stood in front of the house and tried to calm my nerves. Something in the living room window caught my eye. A woman, the same woman from the pictures in The Daily Prophet. Her and Draco were hugging. I dropped my umbrella. A mixture of rain and tears streaming down my face. He turned and saw me. I ran, I couldn't see them together. The pain in my heart was too much.

"Hermione! Hermione stop right now." I heard him yelling as the rain bounced off the ground.

I whirled round, glaring at him, clenching my hands into fists. Resisting the urge to take out my wand and hex his cheating ass.

"Three weeks Draco, three weeks I haven't seen you Draco and then I see photos of you and some woman plastered all over the Prophet - I came to see you to tell you I was sorry that - that I should have said sorry the day I walked out and I see you and her together in your house. Here I am standing in the pouring rain, pregnant with y-your child and you couldn't have the decency to tell me you were seeing someone else." A sob escaped my throat.

"It's not what you think love - she's been helping me." Yeah helping him forget all about me.

"Helping you with what?" I stared at him warily.

"She's a mind healer Hermione. She's been helping me sort some stuff out in my head. To control my anger, my possessiveness, to try and keep my cool when all I want to do is come over there and kiss you and punish you at the same bloody time. You drive me crazy but I fucking love you Hermione Granger." He got down on one knee.

"This is not how I planned it. It was meant to be romantic as hell, I was supposed to whisk you away and shower you with love and romance but I don't want to spend another day without you. Without our baby. Without MY family." Another sob escaped my throat.

"Hermione Jean Granger I've waited for what feels like a lifetime to have you as mine. To hold you, love you and argue with you. You make me want to be a better version of myself. Please - please say yes and be mine forever. Be my wife, my lover, the mother to our children and my equal in every way possible. Will you marry me and make me the happiest man on the planet?" I stood and looked at him. We were both soaking. In the middle of the street just staring at each other.

"Yes, yes I'll marry you." I ran over to him and kissed him. It felt like fireworks, raw and passionate. I craved this man. I loved him with all my heart. Draco picked me up and twirled me round.

"I promise I'll never hurt you love. There's no one else but you, I will love you til my last breath." Draco put me down and opened the ring box.

"Draco it's- it's beautiful." The ring was breathtaking.

"It was my grandmothers

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"It was my grandmothers. My father gave it to me on Christmas Day. When you and mother were out the room." That would be why they were acting so weird when Narcissa and I walked back in. Draco slipped the ring on. It fit perfectly.

"It was like it was meant for you love. Now come inside before you get a chill. I don't want you getting sick." I took Draco's hand and walked to his house.

"Maybe you can warm me up." I smirked at him.

"Oh don't worry love. You are still due a punishment and I plan on not letting you sleep till I've had my fill of you. But first come and meet Sophia."

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