Chapter 24 - Help Me Forget

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I sat in Draco's living room with my lawyer Mr Barnebus.

"Well that was a right royal fuckup Barnebus." Draco was seething.

"Draco you need to calm down." I reached for him as he paced.

"He thinks he's going to win Hermione. He's sitting there smugly while your name is dragged through the mud. He's making you look like a whore." I could feel the anger vibrating off him.

"Hermione we need to put you on the stand. We need to use your memories as evidence. Can you do that?" I shuddered remembering what happened.

"No she can't do that. Not in her condition. She just got out of St Mungo's for fucksakes." Draco shouted.

"Yes, yes I can." I saw Draco whirl round to look at me. I pulled the memories forward in my mind and a tear rolled out and landed in the vial.

"Thank you Hermione. I will look at this and pass it on. Try and get some rest. Both of you." He gave Draco a pointed look and left.

"Fucking pompous twat. You'd think he'd manage not to fuck this up when he's being payed a heap of galleons. Hermione I don't like the idea of you going on the stand." Draco sighed and took a sip of his fire whiskey.

I got up and made my way upstairs. My body ached all over. I felt tired. I felt unclean. I could still feel Ron's hands on me. His tongue on me. His breath on my face. Seeing him today brought it all screaming back.

I went into the shower and made the water scalding hot. I scrubbed myself but I could still feel Ron's touch. Bile was rising in my throat.

"Merlins Hermione are you trying to cook yourself and our baby?" I jumped and Draco adjusted the temperature of the water.

"What the fuck are you doing Hermione?" I stared at the floor. A mixture of water and tears ran down my face. My skin was bright red.

"I still feel him on me. His hands, his tongue., his breath." A sob escaped me. My throat felt tight.

"I still feel him and it makes me want to be sick, makes me want to scrub until I am raw." I started scrubbing again and Draco caught a hold of my hand. I looked up and he was in the shower in his clothes.

"Help me Draco. Help me forget about him. Please." Draco brought his hand up to my cheek. His grey eyes that were a blaze five minutes ago had now softened.

"I don't want to hurt you love." I started to unbutton his shirt and there was a wet slap as it hit the floor. I ran my fingers over his chest.

"Please Draco help me forget." I kissed his jaw nipping and sucking along until I got to his ear.

"I only want to feel your touch." He picked up my apple scented body wash and lathered up his hands. He took one of my arms and started to wash, then the other. He cupped my breasts and lathered them tweaking my nipples. A gasp escaped my mouth. He moved down to my stomach massaging carefully.

"Turn round Hermione" I did as he said. He put my hair to the front and got some more bodywash. He massaged my shoulders working his way down my back.

He dropped to the ground and ran his hands up one leg stoping just past my knee and did the same to the other side. My body was on fire. His touch had me panting, needing and wanting.

He stood up again and lathered my arse. Massaging, kneading and grabbing.

"You have no idea what your ass does to me. The things I want to do." He pulled me closer and I could feel his erection poking into my ass.

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