Chapter 8 - Touch me

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"Look at me love." Her cheeks were flushed. Stray water droplets ran down her face.

"Hermione look at me now." Those beautiful brown eyes stared at me in the mirror.

"You have no idea what you do to me love. You have no idea what I want to do to you. I want nothing more than to take you right here right now. To have you screaming my name as you cum on my cock." She gripped the sink her knuckles turning white.

I stepped right up to her my front touching her back. My cock up against her ass. "Do you feel that? That's what you do to me. You have no idea how many times I would leave class hard or see you walking around the school and go back to my room to cum in my hand thinking of you." She looked at me biting her lip.

"If you bite that lip anymore I'll ripe your panties off and plunge myself deep inside you." She stopped biting her lip. Her tongue snuck out and licked her lips.

My lips came close to her ear. "I'm a patient man Hermione. I've waited so long to taste you, to have you grip my cock, to scream my name as you shatter around me." Her breath hitched.

"I'll wait for you love. I won't touch you or taste you until you tell me I can." With that I walked away and out the bathroom. I payed Edward for our lunch and went home. I couldn't go back to the Ministry not with the temptation of her there.


I eventually left the bathroom. The things Draco said to me. I wanted all of that. I wanted him to touch me, to taste me, for me to scream his name, to feel him plunge into me. Edward told me Draco had payed and that he had gone home. It was maybe for the best we didn't see each other.

The rest of the day seems to drag and eventually it was time to go home. I walked in to find Ron in the kitchen.

"Mione mum dropped off some meals for us. She knew you've been busy and wouldn't have time to cook." I loved Molly dearly but she didn't have still treat Ron like a child. The whole time we lived here he'd never cooked.

"It's your birthday next Saturday what would you like to do?" Most years we ended up going to see his folks for a birthday dinner.

"Oh Ron I've got this really important business dinner for the Quiditch World Cup. Draco and I had organised it and I didn't even realise it was the same night as my birthday till it was too late."

Ron spun round and looked at me.

"Draco? As in Draco Malfoy? What's that slick git doing working with you?" Shit I still hadn't told Ron he was the new head of Magical Sports.

"He's the head of Magical Sports. I told you Kingsley wanted me to help him out. I'm sure I told you." His face was like thunder.

"Not bloody likely Hermione! I think I'd remember if my girlfriend was working with that Slytherin prick." Oh here we go. Majority of us had made our peace with Draco but Ron still didn't like him and didn't trust him.

"Ron he's not the same person. After what he did for Harry, he's proved himself. Kingsley wouldn't have given him the job if he didn't think he could trust him." Ron came over and put his arms around my waist. My skin felt like it was crawling.

"Well I guess I'll see for myself at this dinner won't I." He was looking at me.

"I'm sorry Ron but we aren't allowed partners or dates. It'll be boring anyway and it's at that fancy bistro I told you about." Anger flashed across his face.

"So what am I meant to do? Just sit and wait for you to come home?" It was always about him.

"Why don't you see what Harry is up too? Maybe go stay with him and Ginny that night and have a few games and beers?" I kissed him on the cheek.

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