Chapter 14 - Sparks are Flying

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It had been almost a month since I'd last seen Hermione. She was meant to be back by now but Kingsley said she had requested more time off. I can't believe she was coming back a Weasley. It made my blood boil.

Kingsley was having a Christmas party tonight, apparently he always held one for the Ministry every year. This year it was at The Royal Horseguards Hotel and One Whitehall Place. I knew she would be attending. I would have to see her and that smug git. I thought about taking a date but my heart wasn't in it. If I couldn't have her I didn't want anyone else.

I arrived at my house and walked into my bedroom. Her apple scent had long vanished from my room. I put on my tux and prepared myself for seeing her.


I'd been back a few days. Ron had moved in with George and it was just Cruickshanks and I now. I had owled Kingsley and told him that the wedding was off and asked him to keep it to himself. He offered me extra time off and I gladly accepted. I hadn't taken any holidays since I started. I spent 3 weeks in Italy. Visiting Rome and all she had to offer and the made my way around the smaller more quant places. I enjoyed the food, wine and culture. For the first time in years I was doing something for myself. My last week off I went to Hawaii for a few days and lay on the beach drinking cocktails and reading books. I had unpacked all my stuff and saw The Cabrach book sitting on top of the pile. I had taken it with me but didn't have the heart to read it.

I looked at myself in the mirror I had on a deep red dress. It had full length sleeves a deep V at the front showing my cleavage. It tapered in at the waist and had a slit up one side. The top part of my back was on show. The colour reminded me so much of Gryffindor house. My hair was parted to one side and curled and my make up was smokey. I was nervous about tonight.

"What do you think Crookshanks?" He meowed at me from the bed.

Just then the buzzer went. My taxi was here. The party was at The Royal Horseguards Hotel and One Whitehall Place. It was beautiful. You could see the London Eye across the river from it.

In no time I was here. I made my way up the steps and checked in my coat. I entered the room and saw lots of faces.

"Hermione it's so good to see you." Kingsley bellowed at me. He came closer and gave me a kiss on the cheek.

"How are you? You look amazing. The time off agreed with you." Kingsley was always so kind.

"I am very well Kingsley. The time away was just what I needed. Thank you again." Just then out to corner of my eye I saw Arthur and Molly Weasley along with Harry and Ginny. I had spoken to Harry and Ginny while I was away but this was the first time I had seen them all.

"If you'll excuse me Kingsley." I walked over to the group. I felt nervous but I greeted them all with a warm smile.

"Hermione dear look at you." Molly engulfed me in a hug. She stood back her hands still on my shoulders.

"That stupid son of mine has so much to answer for. I'm so sorry Hermione. I thought we had raised him better. Just remember we are always here for you dear." She kissed me on the cheek and Arthur gave me a smile as they walked away.

"Mum was furious. She won't let Ron in the house. Called him a bloody idiot. Dad had to stop her from banning him altogether. It wasn't pretty." Ginny hugged me.

"But you look amazing Hermione. A lot better than Ron does." Just then someone called her name.

"If you'll excuse me for a moment." It was now just Harry and I.

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