Chapter 3 - Would you moan like that for me?

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Kingsley opened the door and I could smell her apple scent before I saw her. I knew Granger worked for Kingsley it was one of the reasons I took the job. I had to see her again. Kingsley moved and I saw her take me all in. My god she was beautiful at school but she seemed to have gotten even more beautiful. Her hair was longer now and she had it half up half down. Her beautiful brown eyes stared at me.

"Hello Hermione long time no see." I could see her cheeks flush a bit.

"Hello Draco it's lovely to see you again." Ah she was always so polite apart from that one time she punched me. What a punch that was.

"Now that we've all met again let's get this meeting underway shall we." I took a seat next to Hermione. I had a quick look at her hands. No wedding ring. Maybe her and Weasley didn't last. God knows he didn't deserve a woman like her.


Draco came and sat on the seat beside me. He looked too big for it. He'd grown and obviously liked the gym. From what I could see he obviously looked after himself. I needed to get it together and stop checking Draco out. During the war Draco redeemed himself by giving Harry his wand that helped him defeat Voldemort. Draco and his family were pardoned and Draco came back to Hogwarts and finished his final year with us. It was strange but he mainly kept to himself and did his work.

"So Hermione I would like you to work with Draco on the Quiditch World Cup. Get some locations and you can help liaise with the different countries. Is that ok?"

"Of course Minister I would be honoured to help." I could talk a few different languages so it made sense to help Draco out.

"Great now I have a few things to do so the two of you can sort out when you will meet to arrange everything and report back to me in a few weeks." With that Draco and I left Kingsley's office.

"So Granger how about we go get some lunch and we can put a plan in place?" Draco looked at me. Those grey eyes of his were mesmerising.

"Lunch? Yes that sounds like a great idea. Just let me grab my coat from my office." Oh for merlins sake Hermione it's just work. I need to calm down.


I watched Hermione walk into her office. She had on this tight black skirt with a red blouse and it hugged her in all the right places. Under that outfit was a hot little body that I would worship all day and night if she would let me.

"Ready?" She looked nervous and she had every right to be. The things I wanted to do to her would make even the dirtiest of minds blush.

"I know this great little bistro not far from here."


We walked into the elevator and it was busy since everyone was on lunch or coming back from lunch. Draco was behind me and I could feel his rock hard body through our clothes. That scent of his was making my brain feel foggy too. He put his hand on my back as we walked out and I felt a shiver run up my spine. What was going on.

"Come on love let's get out of here."

We got to this lovely little bistro. I'd walked past it many times but had never been in. I spoke to Ron about it but he wasn't interested. Said it was for fancy people.

"Ah Mr Malfoy. You've got a friend today." This small round man came up and shook Draco's hand.

"Yes Edward this is Hermione. We are working together at the Ministry."

"Ah come in come in. I have a nice quiet table for you up here." We got sat at a little table away from everyone else.

"How about I bring you two specials and some wine maybe?" Draco looked at me.

"Sounds great. I could eat a horse." Edward laughed and came back a few minutes later with the wine and two glasses and then left again.

"So Draco what do you want to talk about first? Locations? Teams? How you got the job?" He took a long sip of his wine.

"After Hogwarts I went and worked with the Bulgarian Quiditch team. I made quite the impression on Kingsley when he came to some of the matches. He offered me the job and the rest is history."

Edward came back with two plates of Steak Fettuccine. "Enjoy my lovelies" then he waddled off again.

My mouth was watering I loved Italian food and I dived right in to the dish. I took a bite and moaned. This was amazing. Better than sex. I looked at Draco and his expression was dark and dangerous.

"You shouldn't moan like that Granger, it makes me want to do very bad things to you."


Hermione took a bite of the food and the moan she let out went straight to my cock and made me instantly hard. I wondered if she moaned like that in bed while being fucked. She looked up at me through those thick lashes of hers.

"You shouldn't moan like that Granger, it makes me want to do very bad things to you." She just about chocked on her food.

"Draco you can't say things like that." She was blushing bright red. I wondered if her ass would look that red after I spanked her a few times.

"Would you moan like that for me Granger or are you more the quiet type? I like it when a woman moans loud for me." She was squirming in her chair. Either I was embarrassing her or she was getting turned on.

"Malfoy you need to stop. I have a boyfriend. I'm with Ron. This is inappropriate we are working together." Damnit she was still with Weasley. I bet she didn't moan like that for him. I can't see him being a pro in the bedroom department.

"I didn't realise you and Weasley were still together. There's no ring. Thought he would have tied you down by now." She was getting angry.

"Not that it is any of your business but no he has not tied me down. We are taking our time." She was starting to get feisty with me. I loved it when she got all hot and bothered.

"Does he make you moan like that pasta does? If you were mine I would have had you tied down and tied up." I could see the rage in her eyes and also lust, maybe.

"Malfoy that is none of your business. I'm leaving this is over and I'll tell Kingsley to get someone else to help you." She stood up.


I needed to get out of here right now. Draco wants to have me tied up and tied down. The thought of it made me squirm in my seat. I was trying to relieve the pressure. I'm pretty sure I would need a new pair of underwear.

"I'm sorry Granger please don't go. I won't mention anything again. I was just having a bit of fun." Draco looked panicked. "Please Granger I need this to work. I need your help." I sighed and sat back down again.

"Ok Malfoy but keep your comments to yourself. Work talk only ok?" We ate the rest of our lunch and talked about work. We had a few locations picked out and decided we would go and look at them at the end of the week.

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