Chapter 2 - Draco Malfoy

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I ran around our flat looking for my notebook.

"Ron have you seen my notebook I need it for this meeting today?" I could not be late for this meeting. Kingsley was meeting the new head of magical sports today. We were set to discuss the Quidditch World Cup.

"No Mionie haven't seen it." I hate that bloody nickname. Drives me mad when he calls me it.

I looked over to Ron. Sitting on the sofa watching some muggle talk show stuffing his face with toast and jam. He'd already spilt some on himself. I then noticed my notebook under his plate.

"Ron my notebook is under your plate and it's now covered in crumbs and jam!!" I wiped off the worst of it.

"Sorry babe." He gave me one of those goofy smiles that used to make me weak at the knees but now I just wanted to smack him over the head.

"Ok well I have to go to work I'll see you tonight." I couldn't get out the door quick enough. I told myself all couples must go through this. We just needed a bit more time and everything would be fine.

I made it to the Ministry in time. I rushed to my desk and made sure I was presentable for the meeting before walking into Kingsley's office.

"Ah Hermione ready for our meeting today?" Kingsley was made minister after the war. There was no one better for the job. He was fair to everyone. Everyone loved him.

"Yes Minister I am excited to meet our new head of magical sports." I hoped it was someone young and up for the job and not some stuffy old wizard.

"Hermione before we start I have to tell you it's..."

There was a knock at the door and Kingsley got up and answered it.

"So good to see you again. I am so glad you decided to take the job. I think you'll be a great fit." I couldn't see who Kingsley was talking too all I could smell was spearmint and some sort of woody citrus scent. It smelt familiar but I couldn't place it.

"Minister thank you so much for having me. I look forward to working with you." That voice I recognised that voice.

Kingsley moved out the way and I saw exactly who he was talking too. I took him all in. Black shoes and trousers, his body was buff and he wore a white shirt with a black waistcoat and jacket. His hands were massive and he sported a serpent ring, his jaw was tight and his piercing grey eyes were framed by blond hair. Holy shit it was Draco Malfoy.

"Hermione you remember Draco he's our new head of magical sports."

"Hello Hermione long time no see." Oh merlins beard.

Well at least he isn't an old wizard. Hope you all enjoyed this chapter. Claire

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