Chapter 41 - You and I, Always

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3 Years Later


I knew it was getting worse. My headaches were no longer banished with potions, my mind wasn't as sharp as it once was. But I continued to fight.

The sunlight flickered through the curtain as a light breeze blew them open.

I looked at the man beside me. The years had been kind to him. His once alabaster skin now had a healthy glow to it. His blonde hair was slightly longer and had a sun kissed shade to it. We moved to the villa in Italy a year ago. The sunshine and country air helped.

"You know it's rude to stare." His grey eyes danced with humour.

"I'm just taking it all in." We knew I didn't have long.

"The kids will be here later today. Georgina wanted to take James but I said it was just to be the four of us this time." I smiled at my husband. The kids were due home for the Easter break and I knew this would probably be our last as a family.

"You should get some sleep before they arrive. I know how taxing it'll be on you my love." Draco kissed me and got out of bed. He truly was a masterpiece.


Later that day I was woken by a body lying beside me. I opened my eyes to see grey staring back at me. But these eyes belonged to my daughter.

"Hi Mum." I wrapped my arms around her and settled my head on her brown wavy hair.

"Hello my darling, how I've missed you." Her grey eyes looked into mine.

"I've missed you too mum. How - how are you?" The kids knew I wasn't well. We had to tell them. It was the hardest thing I've ever had to do.

"I am fine my darling." Georgina scowled at me. She had learnt that from her father.

"I know you are lying mum, I know it's getting worse."

"Georgina you've been told about using your gifts." She huffed.

"I don't need to use my gifts. I've got eyes." So much sass. So like her father.

"But I do need to talk to you about something
mum. About Fred."

"What about Fred my darling?" I noticed he hadn't come to see me yet.

"I know he isn't yours or Uncle George's." I looked at her open mouthed.

"I, I - I can't."

"I know you can't tell me about it. I know that. Fred will always be my brother no matter what. But when the time comes he needs to know where he came from mum. There was a man at the platform, a man with ginger hair that looked like Fred. I couldn't help it. I saw inside his mind. I know what he did to you, I saw that - that he is Fred father. That Pansy Nott is his mother. The Nott twins are in first year in Slytherin. He has half siblings." Pansy had married Nott Snr. Poor Theo had Pansy as his step mother.

"You cannot say anything Georgina. I need to talk to your father and to Uncle George about this first." She nodded.

"We aren't interrupting are we?" Draco and Fred walked into the bedroom.

"Of course not. We were just having a girly catch up." Fred came over and I hugged him tightly.

"Mum you are crushing me." I looked up at my son. He was a Weasley through and through but he had brown eyes like his mother, this made it easy to pass him off as mine. He was mine. Maybe not by blood but he was mine.

"Why don't you two go and try out the new brooms your father bought you. I need to have a word with him for a minute." Both the kids bounced out the door.

"What's wrong my love?"

"Georgina knows about Fred. Ron was at the platform today."


"Did the kids get away ok?" Draco walked into the bedroom.

"Yes, there was no sign of Ron today so hopefully it was a one off but George and I will keep an eye and I spoke to Headmistress McGonagall. He will be fine my love."

"Draco when the time comes he must be told." Draco nodded.

"Rest my love."



I lay here with her. Our hands together. Laying here for hours watching her chest rise and fall. Too many bad days and not enough good. I knew she was fading. I knew I was loosing her.

"Draco?" Her hazel eyes once bright and shining now dull and watery.

"Yes my love, do you need a potion?" She shook her head.

"No, no I just - just hold me." I moved her and cradled her delicate body to mine. Her curves gone. Now replaced by paper thin skin and bones.

"I never thought I would find love with you. If you'd told me in that first year of Hogwarts I'd fall in love with the blonde haired boy who snarled at me I'd have told them they were crazy. But then you walked into Kingsley's office and I couldn't help but fall for you. It truly has been the most amazing life. I just wish we had longer. I would have loved to have had another child with you. A mini Draco to run around and terrorise us-"

My throat felt thick with emotion.

"You know we carry so much history but I wouldn't change a thing."

"I wouldn't change a thing either my love. You were the best thing to ever happen to me and I am thankful for everyday I've had with you." A tear ran down my cheek landing on her hair.

"You must promise me that you'll live a full life Draco. If you are given the opportunity to love you must take it. Grab it with both hands."

"I'll never love anyone like you Hermione. You are it for me. Always. I don't know if I can do this without you - I - I need you. You are the best part of me. Without you - is darkness."

"I know the darkness will creep in but you must remember the joy we had. If you feel like you aren't coping you must look up to the stars because that is where I will be to help guide you. Just follow your heart my love. Love is a compass my love. Remember I will always guide you and I will always love you. I will wait for you but first you must live. Draco - I love you."

I kissed her head and soon her breathing stopped. I cradled her. My love, my life, my Queen was gone.

"I love you Hermione, Always."


60 years later

"Go and be with her dad. It's time."


"Draco my love. Come. You and I. Mine and Yours. Us. Always."

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