Chapter 24

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3rd POV

"Naruto! Naruto! Wake up!" Naruto was woken by Menma jumping on his bed.

"Give me a few more minutes." Naruto mumbled.

"Your friends are waiting for you in the living room." Menma said.

"Who?" Menma now had Naruto's attention.

"A girl with pink hair and a boy who looks emotionless."

"Okay get going, play with Akira for a bit. I'll be out in a minute." He sleepily shooed Menma out of his room.

Naruto rolled out of bed nearly falling on the floor if he wasn't too careful. He grabbed some clothes and went straight to the bathroom for a quick shower.


Naruto was finally done with his shower and everything so he ran downstairs. "Naruto you're finally here." He looked over to Kushina.

"Don't speak to me." He said coldly back to her.

"Naruto don't speak to your mother that way!" Minato yelled at him.

"I already went over that you aren't my parents!" He yelled back "Now if you'll excuse me I need to go train even if I'm not gonna learn anything." He said walking over to Sai and Sakura.

"Naruto can I come with you?" He turned to look at Menma.

"Sure, it's not like your parents would care." He responded picking him up.

"Naruto your little brother is so adorable!" Sakura squealed.

"Thank you miss!" Menma smiled at her.

"I wanna take him from you." She said reaching for him.

"No back off."

"Alright you two we have to get going." Sai interrupted them.

"Okay." Naruto smiled.

They all left not saying bye to Minato and Kushina.


They finally arrived at the training ground only for Naruto to freeze right in his tracks because he forgot that Sasuke and Kakashi were there. "Naruto what's wrong?" Sakura asked.

"N-nothing let's just wait for Yamato sensei."

"Okay." She bent down and started petting Akira.

Sai noticed and turned around to Naruto "Naruto do you wanna talk about it?" He asked.

"No, I'll tell you when the time is right." He then turned to Menma "You can go sit with on a log and play with Akira for a while."

"Okay!" Menma smiled and ran over to a log and Akira followed him.

"Naruto have you thought about leaving this village again?" Sakura asked him.

"No I'm actually here to stay. Even if I don't like my 'parents'." He lied.

"Oh, I thought you didn't like the village."

"I started to realize that the Akatsuki was using me." He lied again.

"At least you were finally about to see that they were using you." She replied.

He wanted to turn and glare at her but he needed to make his lie believable "Yea, I now know why the Akatsuki wanted me."

"Everybody knows what the Akatsuki wants from you."

Sai looked over at them and he couldn't tell whether or not Naruto was lying, but if he was he would try and keep a secret from Tsunade about Naruto wanting to leave again.

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