Chap 13

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Naruto POV

I was cloud watching with Shikamaru, Kiba, Neji, Deidara, and Hinata when a small black fox came running up to us. "Hello little one where is your mother?" I asked the fox.

"My kassan is injured because we were being hunted." The fox frantically said.

"Can you take us to her?"


"What happened?" Deidara asked me.

"The fox's mom was hurt so I was going to help her." I followed the fox with everyone following.

We got to where the mother was and saw her laying lifeless on the ground "Kit I don't think your mother is still alive." I said kneeling down to touch the fox's head.

"What do you mean kassan isn't alive?"

"She isn't breathing. I can provide you a new home if you want."

"I would like that, kassan." I scooped the fox up in my arms and walked back to the base.

Kurama opened up the mind link and spoke to me "Kit what happened it seems like you're sad."

"A small fox just lost his mother."

"Are you bringing him back?"

"Yep I'm thinking about a name for him."

"Name him Akira."

I looked down at the fox, "That doesn't sound too bad. Oh I'm at the base now."


I walked through the doors with Akira in my arms and we were greeted by Inuyasha and Kurama. "You brought a new pup." Inuyasha said.

"It's not a pup it's a kit." Kurama said to him.

"I like pup better."

"Before this gets too far he's a kit." I said and looked at Inuyasha.

"You're picking his side?!" Inuyasha yelled.

"Of course I am look at him." I motioned to Akira in my arms. "He's clearly a fox."

"Fine I'll call him kit even if it doesn't feel right."

"Or call him by his name, Akira." When I said that Akira jumped out of my arms and went to Akamaru.

"Akira sounds like a pups name."

"It wasn't me who chose it." I said looking over to Kurama.

"You chose a dog name?" He looked over to Kurama.

"Of course I did I couldn't think of anything else." They started arguing so I just walked out away and sat down on the couch with Kiba and Neji following.

"You know Madara gets jealous when he's sees you guys laying on me." I said.

"It's not our fault you and Shimizu are both mother figures for everyone." Neji said as I ran my hand through his hair.

"I can't help it even if my own mother didn't treat me like this."

"Don't keep thinking about that." Hinata said walking up from behind me.

"It's hard not to when that's what I had to deal with for a couple years of my life." I said sighing.

"Don't think about the past worry about the future." Hinata said hugging me. "Worry about the future of your kids that'll be coming soon." She pointed to my stomach when she said that.

Kurama came over with Inuyasha "We need to speak to Kiba and Naruto."

Kiba looked over "What for?"

"You're changes." Inuyasha said "Don't worry Shimizu will talk to Shikamaru about his."

"Oh okay." I moved Neji's head from my lap and Hinata took my place on the couch.

Heyo I finally got this chapter out sorry it took a while I had my phone taken and my mom did something to my computer so I couldn't write it there.


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