Chap 4

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Madara POV

It has been 2 weeks since Naruto was injured and I already feel like I failed protecting him. I'm currently sitting right next to him while he sleeps. Then i felt something move I look up to see Naruto moving "Ugh what happened?"

"Naruto you're okay!!"

"Yea I am but what happened"

After explaining

"Oh so that's what happened"

"Yea I'm sorry I couldn't protect you"

"Hey look at me," I look at him "it isn't you're fault you were fighting Kakashi"


"Can we go somewhere this bed is kinda uncomfortable"

"Sure let me get you some clothes"

After getting him clothes

Naruto POV

Madara had came back with some clothes. I went to go change when I say what it was I had blushed a little (use your imagination for this I don't feel like putting a picture or describing it). I did see that he gave me my akatsuki cloak too. I was debating wether or not I should tell him that I can get pregnant. Then I decided so I left the bathroom and saw Madara sitting on the bed he looked up and said, "Oh you're ready you look beautiful"

I nervously laugh "Thanks you look nice too"

"Thank you now lets go"

I kept asking where we were going but he didn't tell me. Until we got there. We were at a festival it was nice.

Time skip brought to you by Tobi!

Madara POV

It's been an hour or so and it was getting pretty dark so we went to a cliff and sat there and looked at the stars. Well Naruto did but I was looking at him, he noticed and looked me in the eyes for a second and leaned in to kiss me. He pulled away but I wanted more "That wasn't enough let take this back to the base"
He looked slightly confused but then realized so he tensed a little. "Hey what's wrong"

"So I meant to tell you that...."

"Tell me what?"

"I meant to tell you thaticangetpregnantifweweretohavesex"

"Can you repeat that you spoke to fast"

" I said that I can get pregnant if we were to have sex"

"Oh that's good why didn't you tell me before"

"Well I thought you wouldn't love me anymore"

"No I love you"


"Now we can take this back to the base" I say with a lustful voice. So we teleported back to the base and I pulled Naruto into a secret room so no one could hear us.

Terrible smut coming up skip if you don't like it

3rd POV

Madara had pinned Naruto to the wall and started kissing him lustfully he was grabbing Naruto's thighs making him moan he took that chance and shoved his tongue in his mouth. They battled for dominance and eventually Madara won and he picked Naruto up still kissing and walked over to the bed and put Naruto down "Are you sure you wanna do this?", Madara had said. "Yea I'm sure" when Naruto said that he looked down and saw Madara's throbbing cock and blushed.

He looked to where Naruto was looking and said, "Like what you see" his blush gets even darker if that's even possible. Madara shoves 2 fingers into Naruto's mouth "Suck" and Naruto did as he was told. After sucking his fingers for a while Marada took them out and placed them at Naruto's entrance "Are you ready?" "Yes please just hurry up" "Okay" and with that Madara had shoved his fingers in and started to move. Naruto moaned the whole time and feeling lke he was gonna cum Madara had pulled his fingers out and Naruto whimpered at that but he felt Madara position himself at Naruto's entrance and slowly put it in tears pricking at Naruto's eyes "Hey it'll be okay it'll feel better soon" Naruto nodded and Madara put his full length in. All Naruto felt was pain and pleasure so he started moaning "F-fuck s-start moving~" Madara started moving at a slow pace but hearing Naurto's moans made him want to go faster so he did. They both felt like they were gonna cum Naruto came all over his stomach and Madara came inside of Naruto. He pulled out and laid next to Naruto. Naruto exhaled, "Maybe you should go easier on me next time" 

Smut is now over

"Sorry here I'll carry you to the bath"

"Good" Madara carried Naruto the the bath tub and washed him.

I hoped you liked this chapter and sorry for the terrible smut.


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