Chap 6

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After bringing Shikamaru to the base

Naruto POV

We finally made it to the base. We were able to let him stay so he roomed with Itachi. Him and Itachi didn't get along very well, but they'll get used to each other. Once again Shikamara warned Madara to not hurt me he said, "If you ever hurt Naruto you won't be seeing the sun ever again because you'll be six feet under. Do you understand?"

"I-I u-understand" everybody started laughing at him because he was scared of a 16 y/o. Really the big bad Madara the who is feared by nations scared of a 16 y/o. He went to go pout in the corner "Aww Madara don't be so down we were kidding" I walked over to him and put my hand on his shoulder. I felt 2 people giving off larges amounts of killing intent me and Madara turn around to see Shikamaru and Itachi I smile at them and mouth that it's okay and they stop. Everyone looked at me like I was magical since I stopped them. "What?"

"How did you do that no one could calm Itachi down?" Kisame asked.

"Oh it's simple let out a little of your own then he'll be quiet," they looked confused "right I only directed to Shikamaru and Itachi so they we're the only ones who felt it." They understood then.

'Hey Kura is there anyway that I can learn how to control your chakra'

'Of course there is you just need to focus'

'Okay' I left my mind scape, " I'm going outside for some training then cloud watching," I saw Shikamaru get happy when I said cloud watching "yes you can come cloud watch Shika" with that we left to go outside and train well I did but Shikamaru cloud watched.

Madara POV

Huh Naruto and Shikamaru really are close. I looked to everyone and Itachi asked, "How and why are you afraid of Shikamaru?"

"That's for me to know and for you to never find out" then they started laughing again. I got fed up and left to go see Naruto train. When I was out there I noticed that he wasn't actually training but it looked like meditating then I realized he's trying to control the kyuubi's chakra. That's dangerous but I guess because he's a Namikaze and Uzumaki he'll be fine. I sat down next to him and was controlling my chakra too.

After Naruto was done

Still Madara POV

Naruto was finally done but he went over to Shikamaru and stared cloud watching with him I went in to take a shower.

Naruto POV

After a while Shikamaru decided to break the silence "So you finally got over Sasuke"

"Yea at least I'm happy here because if I was with him it would be a disaster"

"Yea I agree he just has to big of an ego. Are all Uchiha's like that?"

"No not all Madara and Itachi aren't but I don't know about Tobi"

"Wait Tobi's an Uchiha too?!"

"Yea," I looked at him and decided to ask him a question "so you and Itachi?"

"Yea what about it"

"Are you developing a crush on him"


Hahahahaha a cliffhanger because I'm just nice like that. Sorry it took me a while to update I was trying to do my schoolwork cause school gave me so much for no reason. But I hoped you enjoyed this chapter.


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