Chapter 19

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Kiba POV

I was awoken by some knocking on my old room door "Come in." I said.

I turned and saw Naruto, Shikamaru, Shikaku and an unknown kid come into the room. "Hey Kiba." Naruto waved.

"Hey guys," I smiled at them "Who's the kid?"

The kid looked away from Akamaru and over at me "My name's Menma, believe it!"

My eyes widen "H-he's your brother?"

"Yea, I'm glad they were able to move on." He smiled sadly. "Well we actually came over to see you since it seems like we've been out for a couple days."

"What about Neji and Hinata?"

"They may head over here when they realize we aren't at our houses." Shikamaru said.

As if that was a cue we heard Neji and Hinata's quiet talking "Oh hey guys." Neji said when he saw all of us.

"Hey." We all said.

Akamaru walked over to Menma and they sat there playing. "You must be thinking about taking the kid huh Naruto?" Hinata said when she saw the look on Naruto's face.

"Yeah, he looks so peaceful here but soon enough he'll see what they did to his big brother." He responded.

"Naruto you can't just take him away from here." Shikaku spoke.

"I know you kept telling me on the way here. But look at him he's already getting along with Akamaru."

"Naruto what would they do if you took him away from here?" I asked.

"I don't think they would care. Because they didn't care that I left." He shrugged.

"Naruto," Hinata said glaring at him "You can't take him."

"Watch me." He smiled brightly.

"You-" she started "Forget it let's start on the plan." She sighed coming over to sit on my bed.

"I win!" He looked over at Menma once more and came over to us. "Shikaku-san thank you for helping us." He looked to the older man.

"It's not a problem you guys needed to be free, and being stuck here isn't going to let you have any freedom." He responded.

"Alright that's enough let's actually start." Neji cut in.

"Party pooper." Hinata mumbled and I laughed.

He just stuck his tongue out at her "You're acting like a child." Naruto said.

"You acted like an idiot for twelve years." Shikamaru pointed out.

"So." He rolled his eyes.

We heard some laughter from the corner and saw Menma smiling brightly while Akamaru played with him. "You know what Naruto," Hinata said to him "we're gonna take him."

I saw the blonde silently cheer from his spot on the floor.


3rd POV

"No, when he first woke me up he thought I was a girl." Naruto laughed.

"It's cause you do look like a girl." Shikamaru said.

"I would too if I didn't already know you." Neji said.

Kiba's mom came and stood in his doorway "Naruto, Menma your parents are here."

Menma looked up over at her "How did they know we were here?" Naruto questioned.

"I don't know but you guys should be going. You can keep planning tomorrow." She smiled at the two boys.

"Okay, see you guys later. Thank you Tsume-san." Naruto bowed when he stood up.

"No problem. You guys are welcome anytime."

Naruto nodded and went to pick Menma up to carry him on his back. "Naruto do we really have to leave?" Menma asked his older brother when they left the room.

"Yes Menma but we can come back tomorrow." Naruto laughed when he felt Menma pout. "Don't be like that we're coming back tomorrow."

"But I wanna stay with Akamaru."

"Why don't you want to play with Akira?" He asked the boy completely ignoring their parents when walking by.

"Because Akira bit me!" Menma held out his hand that had the bandaged finger.

"He takes a while to start liking new people. He'll warm up to you soon." He reassured the pouting boy.

"Okay!" Menma smiled at him.

Naruto smiled at the smiling boy already wanting the two months to be over so he can take the kid away from here.

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