Chapter 34

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"Here eat." Naruto placed a plate in front of Kakashi and Sasuke. Then he turned to Minato "I hope you rot in hell."

"If you give any food to Minato you're never eating again." Kurama cut in.

They both nodded and Naruto and Kurama turned to go back upstairs. "I didn't know he was going to do that to me." Naruto said to Kurama.

"No one was expecting it to be him who was behind all of this."

"Did I do something wrong as a son?" He looked up at him.

"No you didn't, you are a perfect son, Minato just couldn't see that."

Usually when Naruto is sad his fox ears pop out, and that's what they did at that moment "But I must've done something that made him hate me like this."

"You did nothing wrong, Naruto, let's just forget about it for a couple of hours and come back to it tomorrow." Naruto nodded and to change the subject Kurama said, "I figured out how to turn Akira into a human."


"Of course, I would only do it for you since you were the first ever person to be nice to me."

"And what about the jutsu where we can be away from each for a long time?"

"Still a work in progress but I'm getting close."

"Good cause I don't want to die without killing those three with my own hands."

"I didn't know you were like this."

"I'm not I just hate them."

Kurama just chuckled as he and Naruto went to their separate rooms. Naruto walked into his room to see Madara reading and Akira, Menma, and Yami sleep on the bed "You didn't leave any room for me."

Madara looked over "There's some room between me and Menma." Madara scooted over.

Naruto chuckled softly as he walked over to their bed being careful to not wake the other three up. Once Naruto laid down Menma immediately cuddle into Naruto's side. "I have something I want to tell you tomorrow." Naruto said softly.

"Why can't you tell me now?" Madara asked looking down at him.

"Because it's something I can't say around Menma."


"You know if we didn't make it out of the village and if you guys couldn't save us, they would've killed us."

"I know but we probably would've stopped them before they could even lay a hand on you."

"Probably?" Naruto looked up at him.

Madara noticed his mistake "Well, we would've-" Naruto cut him off.

"I'm kidding," he laughed a bit "you don't have to change what you said."

Madara should've seen that coming since they haven't seen each other in one and a half months. He rolled eyes and went back to reading his book. "You should go to sleep, it's been a long day."

Madara looked down at him "I'm not tired yet."

"You sound like a five year old who always wants to stay up."

"Talking from experience?"

"Sleep on the couch." Naruto turned away from him.

"I'm sorry."

"No sleep on the couch."

"Fine." Naruto felt Madara get up from where he was.

"Good night I love you."


Naruto turned and threw a pillow at him "Say it back."

Madara caught the pillow "Thanks for the pillow."

Naruto didn't even want to say anything else so he started to drift off to sleep and he heard the faint sound of the door opening and closing.

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