Chapter 30

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Back in Konoha

Kushina and Minato ran to the Hokage tower after discovering that Naruto and Menma weren't in their rooms. They bursted through the doors catching Tsunade off guard "They're gone." Was all Kushina said.

"Who's gone?" Tsunade asked.

"Naruto and Menma." Minato answered.

Her eyes widen "Anbu!" The masked people come into the room.

"Yes Hokage-sama?" One answered.

"Go check the others' houses." She demanded.

"Yes Hokage-sama." They left out and went to the others houses to check.

"Come sit down, they'll find them." Tsunade pointed to the couch.

The couple nodded and went to sit down. Soon Sakura and Sai came into the office. "Tsunade-sama Naruto isn't ho-" She was cut off when she saw Kushina and Minato.

"I have Anbu looking for them." Tsunade replied calmly.

When she said that the Anbu came back and they had the parents of the teens who left "Why did you bring their parents?" Tsunade asked.

"They have something to tell you." One of the Anbu said.

"What's the problem with them leaving?" Shikaku asked.

"Naruto took my son with him!" Minato yelled.

"Is Naruto not your son too?" Yoshino asked. That left Minato shocked "If you didn't care for Naruto as a son then you probably wouldn't have cared for Menma."

Hiashi nodded "Naruto is taking Menma to a place where he'll be safe from this village."

"The Akatsuki isn't a place for Menma." Sakura cut in.

"It's a place for misfits, that's where Menma belongs." Shikaku said calmly.

"He shouldn't be around a bunch of S-rank or higher ninja."

"At least they would protect him from everyone here."

"I just want my son back." Kushina wailed.

"Which one?" Sai suddenly asked.

"Are you defending that demon too?" Tsunade asked.

Sai nodded "He left this village for two reasons. And I know I'm not very good with dealing with people's emotions but there was something about Naruto that made me understand emotions."

Yamato soon came into the office with Kakashi and Sasuke following "What's happening?" Kakashi asked.

When Yoshino heard his voice she quickly turned around "The demons left the village." Tsunade answered.

"How many times do we have to tell you?" Yoshino snapped "They're not demons, if anything the only demons here are Kakashi and Sasuke. These demons raped the poor boy."

"They wouldn't have." Minato said defending his student.

"Then tell me why Naruto came running to me after he was being chased by Kakashi telling me that he was raped by them the day before."

"That's why he punched Sasuke and refused to talk to me about it." Sai mumbled.

"I didn't do anything to that demon!" Sasuke yelled.

"You can't lie about it because he came into my house all bloody and he smelt like semen." Tsume cut in. "I was able to smell five different scents coming off of him and two of them belonged to you and Kakashi."

"Who did the other three belong to?" Yoshino asked.

"One of the scents was a fox, I believe his name is Akira and the other two were Sakura and Sai's."

"What if it was Sai?" Sasuke asked trying to pin the blame on him.

"I would have no reason to touch him other than sparring." Sai cut in.

Sakura started to see what was happening "When we were sparring Naruto refused to get close to Sasuke and Kakashi sensei the day before all of this happened."

"Well Hokage-sama what are you going to do?" Shikaku asked.

Before Tsunade could even answer there was a knock on the door "Come in." She spoke.

The door opened to reveal Naruto with Menma holding his hand "My baby!" Kushina ran over.

Shikaku knew those were clones "That's not them, those are clones."

"Naruto would never come back with Menma." Hana added.

"They're right, I would never come back with Menma, I just wanted to see how you would react." The clone spoke "I just came back to say that you should stop looking for us." He took a deep breath "Mom, Dad, I love you both and I promise to take care of Menma for the both of you."

Everyone was shocked "Yamato, I promise I'll come visit." He said to the man "Sakura, thank you for watching Akira when I couldn't. Sai, I wish I could've stayed longer so I could teach you how to handle emotions." He had tears rolling down his face. "Shikaku-san, Yoshino-san, thank you I promise that I will get Shikamaru to come visit when I come."

Yoshino smiled "Hana, Tsume-san, thank you both for letting me come over, and I'm sorry I took Kiba away from you guys."

Tsume laughed "It's fine Naruto, he really belongs with Akatsuki."

Naruto nodded "Hiashi, I'll bring Hinata and Neji to come visit even if Neji still doesn't like you for what you did for his father, but I know you didn't want to do it."

Hiashi chuckled "Lastly Tsunade, I know you show that you hate me, but deep down I just want to believe that you actually care about me, that you didn't want to say that I was a demon, you saw that I wasn't when Jiraiya and I brought you back, but just know that I care about you."

He then turned to Sasuke and Kakashi "Next time I see you both I will kill you." Was he said before smiling "Well my time is up and I'll see you guys when I come visit, probably." The clones poofed away leaving a smoke cloud.

"He's actually gone for good now." Tsunade said regretting everything "Go on about your everyday things and don't tell anyone about this." She demanded "Sasuke and Kakashi stay here."

Everyone nodded and left but Kakashi and Sasuke "I really hope you can take this punishment." Tsunade sighed.

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