Chapter 43

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Naruto laid back down on the bed when he heard the door close and lock. The bed shifted when someone sat down and they started rubbing Naruto's back. "Why did you run out?" He heard Madara ask.

"I don't know." Naruto spoke into the covers.

"You know I hate it when you speak with your mouth covered."

Naruto lifted his head up a bit and spoke, "I said I don't know." Then he put his head back down.

"Naruto you know you can't lie to me."

Naruto didn't say anything, Madara's hand only traveled farther down Naruto's back. He swatted his hand away "Not now."


"No you go too hard."

"You never stop me from going too hard." Madara smirked.

Naruto had a blush spread across his face and finish at his ears. "Still a no."

The smirk dropped from Madara's face. "Okay." He got up and left.

Naruto is starting to feel like everyone in Konoha is right. He feels like everyone at the Akatsuki is using him. His mind started racing, before he knew it he was crying again. "Why can't everything just be normal?" He asked no one.

He kept crying for the rest of the night not even stopping to get something to eat. Shikamaru and Madara both came to check on him every couple of minutes.


Hi, the book's coming to an end soon. It's been really fun writing this, thank you guys for the support. If you check the comments there's a little surprise for you guys.


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