Chapter 17

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Madara POV

I woke up feeling a bit dizzy but I saw everyone but Naruto, Neji, Shikamaru, Hinata, Kiba. Akamaru, and Akira. I remembered that they were taken by the Konoha ninja I looked and saw letter that wasn't on the table before sitting there.

Dear Everybody,

We went with the Konoha ninja voluntary and if we don't come back in two months then start looking for us cause they may try to do something to our memories. Don't be too sad when we aren't there try and have fun. Also don't do anything you wouldn't do if we were there.


When I finished reading the letter everyone was awake "What's that?" Konan asked me.

"A letter Naruto wrote for us they went voluntary and we have to wait two months for them to come back." I replied.

"Why two months?" Deidara asked.

"They may make a plan within the first month then try and get out of the village in the second month." Itachi answered.

"With Shikamaru they could get out quickly." Shimizu said.

"Wait isn't it impossible for you guys to be far from them?" Hidan without cursing asked Shimizu.

"No, well for Naruto it may be hard for him and Kurama to be apart."

"We can't be apart for over three months any longer and we may start to slowly die." Kurama cut in.

"So we could lose someone that brought us together?" Hidan asked without cursing again.

"No we've been trying to do a jutsu that we can use so that way neither of us dies when we're away from each other for a long time." Kurama said.

"Okay if we want to get them back then we should start working on a plan." I cut in.

They nodded and we started working on a plan.


Sorry for the short chapter I wasn't really motivated today.

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