Chap 5

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The next morning

Naruto POV

I woke up next to Madara and flashbacks of yesterday just happened and I blushed. I was pulled out of my thought due to Madara waving his hand in my face, "Hey you okay you had zoned out"

"Yea I'm fine it's normal, but I do have a question"


"Okay so I was wondering if we could get someone from Konoha," he looked at me shocked "don't worry they wouldn't hurt me his name is Shikamaru"

"Is he gonna steal you away from me?"

"No we think of each other as brothers" I said raising up to put in some actual clothes. I had only got my shirt off when I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist "Yes?"

"Nothing just wanted to give you a hug"

"Okay but I need to get dressed"

"Okay okay" he unlatched himself from me to let me finish. "Hey can we go and get Shikamaru today?" I asked "Uh sure by why today" "I just miss him its been a year" "Okay I guess that's a good reason"

When they left the base to get Shikamaru 

Madara POV

We were headed to Konoha when Tsunade had stopped us "Naruto you finally came back," she looked at me in disgust "and you brought him." He spoke up "Yea so is there a problem, and I didn't come back to live here I came to get someone" she looked shocked, "Who are you taking with you?" "Mind your own business" he then grabbed my hand and shoved passed her. 

We made it to the Nara compound and went to Shikamaru's house.

Naruto POV 

We made it to the Nara compound and i knocked on the door. We waited for a minute or so and Shika had opened the door he saw me and smiled, "Did you come back to live here?" I looked at him nervously, "Heh about that I came back to see if you wanted to go back to the Akatsuki base with me" he looked happy, "Did you really have to ask me of course I'll come with you" I was happy and i started jumping he then looked behind then got serious and pointed "Who's that?" I looked "Oh that's Madara my boyfriend" "Okay listen Madara if you hurt Naruto i won't hesitate to rip you to shreds." Madara looked a little scared and stuttered out an okay. "Okay lets go well actually get your stuff first" Shika nodded and went to get his stuff. When he came back we started walking back to the base.

Heyo hoped you liked this chapter.


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