Chapter 39

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After a couple more minutes of running around he only heard one pair of footsteps coming closer to him. "Couldn't get away fast enough huh?" He turned around to see Shimizu "Such a shame it has to come to this."

"Can you please forgive me?" He pleaded.

"I can't, you had hurt Naruto." She said. "You didn't care about him! You let him get raped by those men!" Her brown eyes were now green.

Minato got onto his knees "I'm sorry! I really am!"

"You're only sorry now because your life is in danger!" She spat. "You haven't shown any love to Naruto, so he had to seek it from Kurama," She started "who is more of a father to Naruto than you would ever be!"

Shimizu was not going to stop "Kurama watched Naruto grow up, something you never did. Do you even know when his birthday is?"

Minato looked at her "No."

Shimizu scoffed "Of course you wouldn't, his birthday is October tenth. Not that it would help you since you would be dead soon." She walked closer to him and grabbed his shirt "I really feel bad for Kushina because she had you as a husband."

Shimizu had let go of his shirt "She could've done so much better." Shimizu turned around "Get up, I found you so you have to come back."

Minato hesitantly stood up and followed after her now seeing that the maze wasn't actually there. They soon got to the basement where Naruto was sharpening a kunai and Kakashi was out of the chains "He didn't get very far huh?" Madara asked.

"Nope, he was trying to get out of death by begging me to keep him alive." Shimizu answered.

"I wish one of us were able to kill him since he did hurt Naruto." Hidan said.

"We aren't killing him because I don't want to hear him beg for mercy from me." Naruto said walking over to Kakashi handing him the kunai. "If you try anything funny I'll make sure you won't go back to Konoha." Kakashi nodded "Alright well we're going to start."

Naruto had caught Minato in some chakra chains making him fall. In Minato's eyes everyone was able to see that he was sorry and scared. "You know Minato you could've been a great father to me, but now you can't. I'm sure you would've wanted to watch Menma grow up, but I'll do that for you." Naruto said.

"I'm sorry please don't kill me!" He pleaded.

"Kakashi do what you need to." Shikamaru said.

Kakashi nodded and walked over to Minato who was trying to get out of the chains "I'm sorry sensei." Kakashi whispered.

Naruto looked away from Minato and looked at Kakashi then back at Minato. Kakashi brought the kunai up and Minato looked even more scared. Then he brought it down but made a quick motion and threw it at Naruto.

Naruto saw it coming and....


Hi you know what im doing now and im not sorry anymore tehe.


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