Chapter 26

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3rd POV

Naruto ran straight to Shikamaru's house in hopes that Yoshino would be there. "Yoshino-san are you home?!" He asked while knocking on the door.

"Naruto what's wrong?" Menma asked him.

"Nothing is wrong okay."

"Okay." Menma looked back to see Kakashi and Sai getting closer.

"Yoshino-san are you home?!" Naruto kept knocking.

She finally opened the door "Naruto what's wrong?" She asked.

"Can I come in?" He asked.

"Sure." She opened the door wider for him to come in he walked right in with Menma close "Naruto what's going on?"

"Menma go play with Akira." Menma nodded and went away from them "It's Kakashi and Sasuke."

"What did they do to you?" She guided him to the couch cause he was a bit unsteady.

"T-they raped me." He finally broke down.

She went wide eyed "Who else knows?"

"Only you I didn't tell anyone else."

She started to worry for the blonde because she is now seeing what the village is actually doing to him "Naruto, sweetie, you and your friends need to hurry and leave this village." She started while hugging him "Leave at night only Shikaku, Tsume, and I will know that you left."


There was a knock at the door Naruto tensed a bit thinking it was Kakashi and Sai. Yoshino walked over to the door and peaked out a bit only to see Shikaku standing with a bored look on his face. "Where is your key?" She asked him.

"I forgot it," he answered rubbing the back of his neck "it is completely my fault."

"You're right it is your fault and if you want to make up for it go pack your son's clothes they're leaving tonight."

He looked at her confused but saw Naruto sitting on the couch "Okay." He yawned then walked off.

"Naruto go take Menma home and get both of your stuff."

"Okay, thank you Yoshino-san." He smiled.

"It's not a problem but make sure you visit. Make sure Shikamaru comes too."

"Got it, Menma come on let's go home."

"Okay!" Menma smiled running over to Naruto.

This time when Naruto said let's go home he meant the one with the Akatsuki because this village will never be his home.

Kiba POV

I heard a knock on my door but before I could actually answer Naruto busted through my door "Naruto what's going on?! What did you do?!" I asked him.

"We're leaving tonight." He smiled excitedly.

"Really?" I asked.

"Yep pack your stuff we're leaving once it gets dark." He answered nodding.

"Okay did you tell the other three yet?" I asked getting up to grab a bag to put my clothes in.

"Shikaku-san is packing Shikamaru's clothes so I think he will tell him and I was going to the Hyuga compound after informing you." He said in one go.

"Okay, get going you need to tell them so we can leave." I shooed him out.

Once he was out I started celebrating that we could leave earlier than we actually planned "Kiba I heard you're finally able to leave." My mom and sister came in.

"We'll make sure they can't bring you back even if it means we would die." My sister, Hana, said to me.

"Thanks Hana, mom for everything you did for me."

"Don't say it like that you're making it seem like you're going to die." My mom joked.

"But I'm going to miss you guys. I didn't get to say a proper goodbye the first time."

"Now you can." Mom opened her arms for me.

I smiled and walked to her wrapping my arms around her "Don't forget me!" Hana said hugging us.

We laughed a bit and my mom finally let go "Now get to packing."


I turned away from them and went back to getting my clothes.


3rd POV

Naruto walked to the Hyuga compound out of breath from running and carrying Menma. "Naruto are we leaving?" Menma asked sleepily.

"Yes, we will be going back home." He said.

Menma mumbled something but Naruto didn't want to bother him since they were both tired at that point. Naruto walked into the Hyuga compound feeling welcomed since he and Hinata are close friends. "Hey Naruto you need Hinata or Neji?" Hiashi asked as he was just walking back home.

"Yes, I wanted to tell them some good news." Naruto smiled.

"Ah okay, you can come." Hiashi led the way to his house with Naruto silently following.

 Akira was barely able to stay awake since he was trying to keep up with Naruto all day. Naruto noticed Akira's tiredness when he bent down, careful to not drop Menma, and picked Akira up giving him a kiss on the head. Akira snuggled more into Naruto's arms slowly drifting to sleep.

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