Chapter 35

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Naruto was awoken by not one, not two, but three kids. He only recognized two of them, but then he finally realized that the third one was Akira. He looked at Akira's short black hair and red eyes "What's up?" He asked them.

"Kura-nii had turned Akira into a human!" Yami exclaimed smiling.

Naruto had let a small smile spread across his face "I can see."

"Oh, and we made breakfast for you." Menma said holding up a plate.

Naruto took the plate "Thank you." He looked down and saw that they made an omelet, gave him two pieces of toast and some sausages.

"You're welcome!" The three kids said in unison.

The three left out of the room and Madara came in "Good morning." Naruto said looking over at him.

"Morning." He said closing the door and locking it.

Naruto wondered why he locked the door but saw he was putting up silencing seals. "I'm sorry for making you sleep on the couch."

"Sure you are, but you can make it up to me."

Naruto was still confused as he was still eating "How?" He asked with his mouth full.

Madara took Naruto's plate out of his hands "I was still eating!" Naruto complained.

"It'll be fine."

Naruto swallowed his food "No it won't."

Madara grabbed Naruto's chin and pulled him into a kiss. It was a rough kiss and Naruto slowly started to melt into it. Madara started to remove both of their clothes which made them break away from the kiss. Naruto took that as a chance to take a breath, after taking their clothes off Madara latched into Naruto's nipple and played with the other. Naruto had let out a soft moan "Keep making those beautiful noises." Madara mumbled.

Naruto blushed when he said that. Naruto's member started to get hard. "Please, I want you in me!" Naruto screamed.

"Not yet." Madara pulled Naruto onto the floor.

Naruto was on his knees looking at Madara's semi-hard member he looked up at him "You know what to do, suck."

Naruto nodded and his lips had wrapped around Madara's member. He started bobbing his head up and down occasionally gagging. Madara pushed Naruto's head down as far as possible, groaning as he came in his mouth. Naruto pulled his head up and sallowed the cum "Open."

Naruto opened his mouth and stuck his tongue "Good." Naruto pulled his tongue back into his mouth "Get on the bed."

Naruto nodded getting on the bed and Madara climbed over Naruto and loomed over him. It was only a split second before Madara attacked Naruto's mouth. Madara licked Naruto's bottom lip asking for permission. Naruto denied so Madara reached and pinched Naruto's nipple, he moaned and Madara took that as a chance and shoved his tongue into Naruto's mouth. He started exploring the wet warm cavern that just so happened to be Naruto's mouth.

Naruto felt Madara teasing his hole with his fingers and moaned into the kiss. Madara inserted two fingers without warning, Naruto moaned louder but it was muffled by the kiss. Madara finally pulled away and sat up, Naruto whimpered but it was interrupted by Madara quickly flipping Naruto onto his stomach. Madara inserted his member and Naruto let out a loud moan. "Can I start?" Madara asked.

Naruto mumbled something into the covers, Madara grabbed a handful of his hair and pulled him away from the covers "What did you say?"

"I-I said yes." Naruto stuttered out.

Madara only responded by letting him go and starting to move slowly. Naruto's moans were muffled by the cover. (Fuck it I'm not writing this any longer)


Naruto and Madara finished and laid down next to each other "I hate you." Naruto said.

"You're body says otherwise."

"I'll make you sleep on the couch again." Naruto sat up slowly walking to the bathroom "You need to stop going so hard."

"We could go for another round."

"No!" Naruto slammed the bathroom door.

Madara chuckled knowing that Naruto wasn't going to let him into the bathroom so he has to wait for his turn.


Smut is what you got today, it's been a while but here you go. But I guess you can kinda call this a filler chapter because I'm running out of ideas.


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