Chapter 29

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Naruto POV

We stopped at a random small village to rest for a bit since we've been jumping around for a couple hours now. "My legs hurt." Kiba complained.

"They didn't hurt the first time you came to the Akatsuki." Shikamaru stated.

"That was a while ago, and we've been in the base for months only leaving to get food."

"That's true, but can't you get on Akamaru's back since he's bigger now?"

"I'm not going to ride on his back."

"Then don't complain." Hinata cut in.

"Why are you guys so mean to me?"

I sighed "If you guys want to get to the base undetected by anyone, be quiet."

"Naruto what's wrong? This was the only time that you said something to us." Neji asked.

"Nothing's wrong, I just wanna get back home."

"Shouldn't you be happy?" Hinata asked.

"Yes, but what if everything the villagers said was true? That they're only using us for what's inside of us."

"If they were we would've been out of there by now."

"You're right."

"I know I am." Hinata said walking up ahead.

We heard a small laugh and we looked down at Menma "You think she's funny?" I asked.

He kept laughing "Mhm!"

"Well if you think she's funny you can go with her." I said jokingly.

"No! I wanna stay with you." He clung to me.

"Alright up you go." I felt him get removed from my leg.

"Thanks Neji."

"You're welcome." He said quickly following after Hinata.

"That's our cue to get going." Shikamaru said.

I nodded and followed after with Kiba, Akamaru, and Akira following.


We finally found a little hotel to stay in for the night. "Finally we can rest." Kiba said.

I sighed "Yes we can."

"I'll go get some food." Neji said getting up.

"I'll come with you." Shikamaru said.

"Okay, stay safe." I laid down on the floor and Menma came over to lay on my chest.

I started running my hand through his soft red hair. Akira came over and curled up on Menma's back "Wake me up when Neji and Shikamaru comes back." I said as I started dozing off.

"You can count on us." I heard Kiba say.

I smiled as my eyes slowly started to close.

Heyo guys about that book that I was talking about. I will be posting the first two chapters today. The book is called The 4 Bomber Siblings, it should have Deidara on the cover.

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