Chapter 2

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Sakura POV

When I got there what i saw had changed my life. I saw Naruto with claws and an red aura around him he looked beaten. Then i thought so that's why she said "thank you for catching the demon".

Now I don't know what to feel I look back to Naruto and yelled, "Naruto stop this isn't you please don't do this you can have Sasuke we're not even dating please just s-stop!" I had started sobbing towards the end.

He snapped his head towards me and said with a demonic voice, "You made me like this because you hit me everyday if I didn't do anything right!" He was right I did hit him whenever he didn't do anything right. I wiped my tears and when I looked back up he was gone.

Naruto POV

I ran to the forest of death but in my fox form. A couple of minutes after i got there i heard a twig snap I looked over and saw Itachi. He spoke and said, "Come here big fella." so I ran to him and licked his face then i changed to my into my human form his face was priceless "Naruto what happened why were you a fox?"

"Tell your friend to come out of hiding first."

"O-okay come out Kisame." he seemed shock I could tell he was there.

"Now I'll tell you."

-After explaining because I'm to lazy to type it out-

Itachi POV

That was a lot to take in like him first liking my brother and him getting rejected and beaten which lead to this. Suddenly I had an idea I started to speak but I was cut off "If your gonna ask I wanna join the akatsuki the answer is yes." Did he just read my mind? "If you think I can read your mind I can't. Anyways when are we leaving."

"We can leave tomorrow."

"Okay bye Itachi, bye Kisame."

"See ya soon."

And with that Naruto just vanished I turn to look at Kisame "What?"

"How do you know the nine jinchuriki."

"Well as you can tell he knows my little brother."

"Oh, ok then."

Naruto POV

I walked all the way home after my encounter with Itachi. I open the door to have my parents both yell at me to get out, so I ran to my room packed my things and went to the forest of death I ran to my favorite cave there and slept there. But my sleep was interrupted by a wolf whimpering I look behind the wolf to see Kisame all scratched up "What the hell were you thinking when you hurt her!" I yelled "please just go but tell Itachi to come here." He nodded and Itachi walked over.

"Yea Naruto?"

"Can we leave tonight my parents kicked me out."

"Yea sure let's go."

-When they're at the base-

Itachi POV

We made it back to the base and I saw Madara sitting on a couch reading I go up to him and tell him that we had got Naruto. He nodded and went over to introduce himself.

Madara POV

Itachi had came over and told me he came back with the nine tails I nodded and walked over to him. He looked really cute wait why am I thinking that. I was pulled out of my thought by a hand waving in my face "Hi my name is-"

I was cut off by him "Yea yea Madara I know anyways nice to you meet you though."

"How about we play some games."

"How old do you think I am 5?"

"N-no I don't."

"Don't worry I was just kidding I'm not that mean... Unless I want to." he said the last part in a demonic voice but I brushed it off. As I got a closer look at him I noticed cuts on him.

"Hey should someone treat those for you." I point to one of his cuts.

"No I'll be fine"

"Okay... How about we get you a room?"

"Can I share with Itachi since I trust him the most."

"Uhh sure"


And with that he had ran off to tell Itachi that he'll be stay with him for a while I saw Itachi's eyes brighten.

Heya hoped you liked this chapter. Anyways have a great day or night.


edit: this is taking forever proofreading sucks thats why this chapter sucked before.


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