Chapter 18

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Shikamaru POV

I woke up not knowing where I am. I looked around to see that I am in my old room before I went with the Akatsuki. I turn to look at my left and I see my father sitting in a chair sleep "Dad." I called to him to make sure this wasn't a dream.

He stirred awake "Ah, Shikamaru you're awake welcome back." He spoke.

"Where's Naruto? Where's Itachi?" I started asking questions.

"I'm sorry son, but Itachi isn't here. I was told Naruto is back at his home. Kiba, Hinata, and Neji are home too."

"They only took us?" I asked.

"Yes but I will help you guys leave this village. I understood that you didn't want to be here. I was happy you were able to be with people like you." I said to me.

"Can I see Naruto?"

"Of course." He smiled before he helped me out of bed. "Get changed and I'll meet you downstairs."

I nodded and went to take a shower.


Naruto POV

I woke up due to someone shaking me I look over to see a red haired boy who looked to be about 3 years old "Miss wake up my mommy wanted me to wake you up."

I stared at the kid cause he misgendered me "Listen kid I'm not a girl. It's just that my hair is long. And who is your mother?" I asked him.

"Kushina Uzumaki." When those words left his mouth I went wide eyed.

"You can't- she didn't- they really replaced me."

"What's wrong mister?"

"Can you bring your parents here?" I asked the kid.

"Sure!" He smiled.

He has the same smile mom and I have. I smiled sadly knowing that they moved on and didn't care about me. Soon Kushina and Minato walked into the room and they told the boy to leave "So you had another kid to forget about me?" I asked them seriously.

"We're sorry he reminded us of you." Kushina spoke.

"Listen Kushina you don't even know what I acted like cause you never payed any attention to me." I snapped.

"Don't speak to your mother that way." Minato cut in.

"I speak to her as I please. You never cared that night when I was beaten by those villagers you told me to leave, so I left." I started tearing up "I left and made a new family. With people who care about me."

"The people that you made a new family with only wants to use you!" Kushina yelled at me.

"At least they're showing me love even if they want to use me! You never even showed me love and everybody in this village wanted to use me!" I yelled back.

"Naruto." Minato said sadly.

"No, don't call me that! You don't get to call Naruto anymore!" I started to get up "I'm going to see Shikamaru." I stormed out of the room past the little boy who heard all of it. I turned to talk to him "Listen kid don't let the ones who claim to love you," I paused cause I had tears running down my face "use you."

I ruffled his hair and smiled sadly "Can I call you Naruto?" He suddenly asked.

"Of course and when I leave," I dropped my voice to a low whisper "you can come visit." I stopped not knowing his name.


"Okay Menma I'll see you later." I stood up and heard someone knock on the door. I opened it to see Shikamaru and Shikaku.

"Naruto what happened?" Shikamaru asked when he saw the tears.

"Minato and Kushina keep trying to alter my thoughts on everyone at the Akatsuki." Menma came running over.

"Naruto are you leaving now?" He asked innocently.

"Not yet, but in two months I will."

"Who's this?" Shikamaru asked.

"Menma. They decided to have another kid saying that he reminded them of me. I don't want to leave him here in this village."

"Well you can't take him away from the people who cares." Shikaku said.

"I know, but I just can't leave him. They'll try and use him like how they were going to use me."

"How about to get your mind off of this we can go see Kiba. Then Hinata and Neji." Shikamaru smiled.

I smiled and nodded "Do you wanna come Menma?" I asked the boy.

"Yes!" He smiled brightly.

I chuckled a bit and we left.

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