Chapter 22

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Kurama POV

"Kurama calm down!" I heard Shimizu yell.

"What?!" I looked at her.

"You're throwing everything in this room," She gestured to the room we're in "you need to calm down we are going to get them back. We have a month and a half to get them if they don't come back by then."

"Fine." I sat on the floor.

"Inu can you come quick?" Shimizu called for the dog demon.

We heard quick footsteps coming to the room "You need me?" Inuyasha popped his head into the room. "What happened here?"

"Kurama threw things around when he realized we're slowly running out of time." She answered.

"No, Kurama is just stressed because he couldn't tell his mate that they are mates!" I yelled in third person.

"Kurama I couldn't either." Inuyasha said.

"Neither could I." Shimizu cut in.

"Of course you didn't have to Shimizu," I looked at her "she already knows!"

"Listen Kura I usually don't like treating you like how I used to, but with the way you're acting I'm going to have to treat you like that." Shimizu said calming down a bit.

"What are you going to do?" I looked at her a little bit scared.

"Inu you might wanna leave cause this isn't gonna be a pretty sight."

"I was already making my way out." He said closing the door.

"Wait Inu don't leave me here with this demon!" I yelled to him.

"Shh. Everything will be fine after this." Shimizu said cracking her knuckles.

"L-listen S-shimizu we can talk about this." I started backing away from her.

"We could," Her eyes flashed green "but you started acting like a child who couldn't get what they wanted."

I stared at her before she just launched at me. Everything after that was a blur.

Inuyasha POV

I stood outside of the room frozen hearing all that was happening inside of that room. I started to slowly walk away not wanting to be next. I saw Deidara walking to the room "You don't want to go in there." I said.

He stopped and looked at me "Why?"

"Shimizu is killing Kurama." I answered a bit scared.

"What did he do?"

"That I can not answer in fear that I'll be next." I answered turning away.

"She can't be that scary." He commented.

"But she is!" I looked back at him "Well I don't want to die next so I should be going!" I ran off.

Deidara POV

I stood there confused as to what Inuyasha was talking about but I proceeded to walk to the room only to hear screams and lots of yelling. I turned back around wanting nothing to do with that and went straight to the room I shared with Sasori and Tobi "Deidara what happened?" Sasori asked when he saw how shaken up I was.

"Shimizu and Kurama." I said.

"What about them?" Tobi asked.

"Shimizu is killing Kurama I don't know what he did but he did something." I answered slowly walking to the bed.

"Was someone else there who witnessed it?" Sasori asked.

"Inuyasha." I said bluntly "He said how scary she was but didn't go into detail."

"Inuyasha is right she is scary if you get on her bad side." Tobi said.

"Okay, so I just don't get on her bad side." I mumbled slightly shaking.


Yo, I just wanted to make a somewhat funny chapter because this whole book is just seriousness and I can't handle it so I hope I made you laugh. 

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