Chap 9

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Itachi POV

Shikamaru and Naruto have both been acting weird lately but maybe it's because they're younger than all of us that we are worrying. I was going outside to watch the clouds since I picked that up from Shikamaru only to see him and Naruto up against a tree. It seemed like they were talking about something and I masked my chakra and climbed a tree nearby. "Are you still gonna go with the idea of telling him on a date?" Naruto asked looking up at the brunette since he was laying on his lap.

"I don't really know at this point like what if he doesn't want kids right now."

"I'm sure he would want kids."

"How would you know?"

"Well he was good with kids I mean look at me I'm doing just fine."

"You're only doing fine because you're with Madara 'cause if you weren't you would be a complete mess right now."

"You're right." Naruto laughed loudly like usual.

Why are they talking about kids? Does anyone know about this? Why does he think I don't want kids? I jumped a couple of trees to get close to the entrance of the base to make it seem like I wasn't listening to them. I walked up to them from where I was. Naruto must've sensed me because he looked over to me "Hey Itachi." Shikamaru tensed when he heard my name and Naruto whispered something to him.

"Hey Shika and Naruto."

"Did you need something?"

"No I just came out to cloud watch."

"I see this lazy Nara is rubbing off on you." Shikamaru hit his arm.

"That's not true." He spoke.

"Sure," Naruto chuckled "you wanna hang out with us Itachi?"

"Yea." I sat down next to them and Shikamaru laid his head on my shoulder "What were you guys talking about?"

"Nothing really it was mainly about how we like it here so far."

"So do you like it?"

"Yea because I don't have to deal those 'humans' since their more of a demon than I am myself."

"Naruto you're not a demon." Shikamaru said sleepily.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean it like that."

"What were those villagers putting in your head?" I asked.

"They kept saying that it was my fault their loved ones died." Naruto started to have tears streaming down his face. Just then Madara was coming back from a mission and saw us.

"Hey what happened?" He walked over to us and he saw Naruto.

"He was explaining what the villagers did to him." Shikamaru answered with his eyes closed.

"Oh well I'm going to take Naruto somewhere so we'll see you later." He said while helping Naruto off of Shikamaru's lap.

"Bye Naruto." Shikamaru now had his eyes open "Madara keep him safe." He glared at Madara.

"I'll keep him safe I promise." He answered him.

"Bye Shika." Naruto waved to Shikamaru as they were walking away.

"Shikamaru do you wanna go to a nearby festival?" I looked at him.

He thought about it for a minute "Sure."

"Okay come on." I got up and caught him before he could hit his head.


Naruto POV

"Where are we going?" I asked him. He had put a blindfold over my eyes.

"You'll see." He answered while he was still guiding me.

We walked some more until he stopped and took my blindfold off. I looked around and this is what I saw.

 I looked around and this is what I saw

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"This looks pretty." I gaped at the view.

"You should take your shoes off the grass feels nice." Madara told me as he was taking his own shoes off so I did the same.

We walked over to a picnic basket that was not far from the entrance of the clearing. I was wearing:

(But it was black and red and also longer)

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(But it was black and red and also longer)

"Naruto is there something you've been hiding from me?" He spoke with a serious tone and looked straight into my eyes.

"N-no what made you think that?"

"It's just the way you and Shikamaru have been acting."

"Wait, are you getting jealous?" I asked him.

He started to turn a deep red "No, of course not."

"If you tell the truth then I'll tell the truth."

"Fine I was now you go." He sounded almost demanding.

"Well only reason why I was hanging out with Shikamaru is because we were discussing things about our..."

"You're what?"

"Our heats and pregnancies."

"Why didn't you want to tell us?"

"Well Shikamaru had doubts that Itachi didn't want kids, so he kept putting off telling him so I was trying to encourage him to tell Itachi. Ya know?" I said that all in one go.

"What about the whole 'heats' thing?" He askeed making air quotes around heats.

"That is something every kyuubi or demon goes through no matter the gender." I said cutting it short.

"Oh okay I understand now."

"Okay good." I leaned over to give his a short kiss on the lips. Though he wanted more "No you have to wait." I said after pulling away.

"Why do I have to wait?"

"Because you like to take the kisses a little to far." I held a small smirk on my face.

"Fine, fine, lets get started?"

"Of course." And we just started our date.

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