Chapter 37

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"Well he can die by my hands, yours," Naruto looked over at Kakashi "or by his student's, but I wanted to give him a choice." Naruto turned back to Minato "So who do you want to kill you."

"I-I don't want to die."

"Should've thought about that before you had these two rape him." Madara said.

"You got five seconds." Naruto said. "One..."



"By your hands, Naruto."

"By mine?" Naruto laughed "You really didn't have a choice I just wanted to see who you would pick." Naruto smiled "As much as I would love to kill you with my own two hands, I want you to beg for mercy from your own student."

"W-wait you can't kill me! What would Menma think?"

"I'm not killing you, Kakashi is. And I'm sure Menma would hate you after he finds out what you did."

"I'm sorry! I really am, I only told them to do it because I thought that since you did like Sasuke before you would actually stay."

"I'm sorry what?" Naruto asked. "I moved on Minato!"

"I know that now." Minato mumbled looking down.

"I saw Kakashi as an older brother! Now I have to just make them both suffer because of something you did." Naruto had an idea "How about we play a game of hide and seek, if we find you, you die, but if we don't you can live a bit longer."

"I like that idea." Madara said.

"Great, we're gonna have the whole Akatsuki looking for you."

"How long do you have to find me?" Minato asked.

"An hour." Madara answered.

"We'll give you five minutes to hide and once those five minutes are up the hour starts." Naruto said. "Stay here though I need to put the kids in a room."

Naruto had walked out the basement leaving Madara in there with the three men "It's a shame this had to happen." Madara said.

"He didn't want to come back because of you because you brainwashed him!" Minato spat.

"No I didn't, he didn't want to come back because the village hates him."


"Shut up." Naruto said coming back into the basement with the rest of the Akatsuki "Let's get started on the game."

"We're really going to play hide and seek with him?" Kisame asked.

"Yea, he's the reason why they are here." Shikamaru said.

"Well Minato get hiding we'll start looking in five minutes." Kurama said.

"Wait," Naruto said "you can hide outside, but you can't go far. There's a barrier and if you get too close your skin will start to burn."

The chains that were on Minato disappeared "Get going you don't want to die do you?" Hinata said.

Minato quickly got up and ran out of the basement "You did turn this into a maze right?" Naruto asked Inuyasha.

"Yep, there's no way he's getting out now." Inuyasha said.

"Good," Naruto walked back over to Kakashi "I want to know what your thoughts are about having to kill your teacher." Kakashi didn't answer "You can speak."

"I-I don't want to kill him, but I've already killed so I wouldn't mind. He did chose me over you."

"Oh?" Naruto smiled "Okay, well then feel free to make his death brutal."


Here's the reveal.


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