Chapter 1

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Naruto POV

I was walking around Konoha after Sasuke had rejected me and calling me a demon and whatnot. I kinda wish my only best friend was here their name is Itachi, yes Sasuke's brother. Itachi is the only person that excepted who I am that being the nine tails jinchuriki I'm glad that he was able to except me.


I was pulled out of my thought by something hitting the back of my head. I look up to see Sakura and Sasuke who had an evil glint in his eyes Sakura had spoke, "I don't like the fact that you think you can get with MY Sasuke-" she lifted her hand to hit me but she was interrupted by her mom talking.

"Thank you so much for catching the demon sweetie."

"Yea you're welcome" Sakura sounded unsure.

I was then dragged by my collar to an ally and thats where I saw a mob. What happened next was a blur.

Sakura POV

I saw that Naruto was dragged away by my mom and he had this look that I haven't seen before. He just looked....


I followed my mom but only to find out that...

Find out what happens in the next part.


edit: hi i was bored and i currently dont have an idea for the next chapter so i decided to edit these chapters.


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