Chapter 25

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Naruto stared at the tree that he just punched Sasuke through "Naruto what did you just do?" Sakura asked him.

Naruto was shocked cause he doesn't even know what he did "I- I- don't know." He started shaking a bit "I don't know what I did."

Akira noticed and ran away from Menma over to Naruto "Kassan what happened?"

"Nothing it's fine." Naruto answered not trying to sound mean. "You can go back over to Menma, everything will be fine."

Akira lingered for a bit before running off back to Menma. "Naruto what the hell happened over here?" Kakashi asked when he made it over to them.

Naruto glanced over in his direction but didn't answer "Naruto what happened?" Yamato asked.

Naruto still didn't answer instead he avoided their questions by saying "I need to go home." He started to walk away when Sai stopped him.

"Naruto just explain why you did it." Sakura said.

"I can't explain I just need to go home."

When Kakashi heard that Naruto wouldn't explain why he did it he smirked a bit under his mask because he knew why Naruto punched Sasuke. "Naruto you can't just leave without my permission."

Naruto looked back at Kakashi and almost launched at him "Well then," he started "do I have your permission to leave?"

"Kakashi sensei you know if you let Naruto leave then you should just end training for today." Sai said releasing his hold on Naruto.

Sai being clueless on what Naruto would do next, he didn't see the blonde run off grabbing his little brother and fox. Kakashi saw the blonde run off "Naruto get back here!" He ran after Naruto.

Sakura sighed as she went over to heal Sasuke being too tired to deal with everyone. Sai turned and went after Naruto and Yamato went over to Sakura and Sasuke.


The people of Konoha were minding their own business when they all saw flashes of blonde, black, and silver go by. Wondering what it was they all saw Naruto, Menma, Akira, Sai, and Kakashi running towards the Nara compound. They were hearing Kakashi calling for Naruto and Naruto was just yelling that he didn't want to go back to the training ground. Sai was trying to keep up while he was making a drawing in hopes to catch Naruto with it. Having no chance of Naruto stopping he gave up and kept trying to catch Naruto with his own hands.

Most of the villagers still hated Naruto for something he couldn't control so they started talking bad about him not knowing that the older Nara was nearby. Shikaku walked by the villagers that were talking bad about Naruto and stopped to look at them "Naruto isn't a bad person you are just seeing what he can't control and think that he is whatever his flaw is."

"Why are you defending that demon?" A villager asked.

That was the last straw for Shikaku "He's not a damn demon!" Everyone was shocked by the Nara's outburst "He is a human unlike the rest of you. It wasn't his choice to become a jinchuriki, it was the man who was the previous Hokage."

"It's not Minato's fault that demon became a jinchuriki."

"I never said it was his fault, you know what I'm not going to talk to people who sees someone as their flaws." Shikaku walked away from the people who accused Naruto of something he didn't do.

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