Chap 10

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Back in Konoha

"Why haven't you found him yet?!" Tsunade yelled at the remaining teams.

"W-we're sorry Hokage-sama they just won't give him back even with force." Sakura said back nervously.

"It's not like you actually want him here." Kiba whispered to himself.

"What was that?" Tsunade looked at him.

"I said it's not like you actually want him here." He said a little bit louder. "You even let Shikamaru leave the hell is wrong with you!"

"If you don't want to be here you can leave." She was now grabbing a bottle of sake from the floor.

"Fine then I'll leave. I'll even leave this village you never cared for us anyways." He turned to walk out of the office.

"Kiba do not disrespect the Hokage!" Kurenai yelled at the boy walking out with his dog.

"No it's fine if he wants to be with that demon then he can."

That's when Hinata snapped "Naruto isn't a demon you treat him like a demon because of what's inside of him! He's not the one who killed people he was just a baby at that time not a teenager like he is now!"

She grabbed Neji's hand and walked out. "Does anyone else want to leave?" She asked looking at everyone "Okay then. I need everyone to leave now and attack at night. Make sure you bring him back uninjured."

"Hai Hokage-sama." Everyone responded and turned to leave.


Naruto POV

I sneezed "Bless you." I heard Shikamaru say.

"Thank you. Wait when did you get here?"

"I was just coming to hangout just to have quality wife time."

"Okay come here." I put down the book I was reading and opened my arms for him and he walked to them. "Why did you really come here?"

"I told him at our date."

"What did he say?" I asked him curiously.

"He said that he wasn't mad that I was keeping it from him but he doesn't want me to do it again."

"Is that what that noise was last night?" I asked raising my eyebrows in a teasing way.

"No." He was blushing a little.

"I was kidding." I looked at the clock on our wall "We should go get some food for dinner."

"Yea we should." He also looked at the clock and started to get up.

"Where are you guys going?" Deidara asked as we walked past the kitchen.

"We're going to get groceries. Wanna come?"

"Sure." He started to walk next to us.


Madara POV

I was coming back from another mission but it was short and I was walking back to my room. When I got there I noticed Naruto wasn't there and Itachi came running to me "Let me guess Naruto is missing too?"

"Yep." I looked over at him.

"Shikamaru and Deidara aren't here either so maybe they went to do something?"

"Yea I think they went to get food since we were almost out."

"Oh okay." He turned and walked back to his room and I closed my door and quickly got into the shower.

Naruto POV

We just came back from the store when Itachi suddenly pulled Shikamaru from us and went to their room "Don't be so loud like last night!" I called to them but they ignored me "Well I'm gonna go to my room you should ask someone to help you." I said to Deidara and pointed to Tobi and Sasori on the couch.

I walked into my room to see Madara with a towel wrapped around him "Hey baby." I said kissing his cheek.

Though he turned around for a kiss on the lips and it started to get a little heated.

3rd POV

Madara started trailing kisses down Naruto's neck and stopped at his shoulders, "Your shirt is in the way." (What in the shit nuggets did I just write) Madara said as he was pulling Naruto's shirt over his head. He then went back to kissing Naruto's shoulder until he got to his sweet spot and started sucking Naruto let out a moan.

"Where were you earlier?" Madara asked the blushing blonde.

"I was with Shikamaru and Deidara." He said whimpering because of the lack of touch.

"That's a good enough answer." Madara said as he picked Naruto up and walked over to their bed. "Let's try something different today." He said as he walked over to their closet.

"W-what are you doing?" Naruto looked over to him.

"Don't move." Madara said sternly. He walked back over with chains (what the fuck am I writing) "Now after I tie you up you won't be able to touch your body or mine since I know how much your hands like to roam." He proceed to tie Naruto up. (Huh?)

Though Naruto struggled against the chains he couldn't get out even if he wanted to. Madara ripped Naruto's pants off a long with his boxers. He started to kiss down all the way to Naruto's shlong- (I need to stop) dick. Naruto let out a soft moan.

"I wanna hear your moans." (Lord forgive me for I have sinned I didn't mean to write this but here I am) Madara said as he started to suck Naruto off. His moans got louder and Madara stopped. He put his fingers near Naruto's mouth "Suck" (well I'm gonna have a spot in hell) and Naruto did as he was told while Madara started to leave hickies on him.

Madara finally pulled his fingers out of Naruto's mouth and placed them at his entrance (I promised myself that I wouldn't write smut ever again but here I am) "Ready?" He asked.

Naruto nodded and whimpered out, "Please I need you in me."

Daddy- Madara inserted his fingers and Naruto let out a loud moan. He started to move and Naruto started pulling at the chains. "Uh-uh you can't move." Madara said teasingly.

Madara took his fingers out and placed his dick at the entrance of the whimpering blonde.

Without warning he pushed it all the way in Naruto let out a pained moan and had tears in his eyes. "Hey it's okay." Madara wiped his tears "I'm gonna move now okay?"

Naruto nodded and Madara started to move and Naruto was a moaning mess. (Yea I can't finish writing this smut so we're gonna skip it)


With the Konoha Ninja

"Kakashi-sensei why do we have to bring them back? They look so happy here." Sakura asked.

"We're not gonna bring him back we're gonna join them."

"But they hate us."

"I know but if we can prove ourselves to them maybe they'll let us join."

"They won't let Sasuke join." She pointed to the boy.

"Why wouldn't they let me join?" He butted in.

"Well you broke Naruto's heart and you announced to his boyfriend that you did so. And you want to kill your brother who looks so happy with Shikamaru." She pointed to them.

"Let's just wait and if they notice that we are here then they may come out and call to us." Asuma said so that way their argument didn't go too far.

Heyo it's me yea I'm sorry I left the smut at that but I wasn't gonna remove it so that's what you have.


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