Chapter 31

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The clones finally came back and Naruto received the memory. "Naruto did you get the memory?" Neji asked.

Naruto nodded "Yep I'll tell you when we get inside." Naruto said as they stood in front of the Akatsuki base.

"Well, we're home." Kiba said.

"You don't sound too happy." Shikamaru teased.

Kiba let out a small laugh "But I am."

Naruto looked downat Menma "Welcome to your new home."

Menma looked up at Naruto "Are they nice?"

"Of course." He smiled.

"Well let's go in." Hinata said.

They nodded and went up to the door. They didn't hear any noise coming from inside so they assumed they were sleep. When they opened the door they saw that they weren't sleep, Akamaru quickly ran over to Kurama who was reading a book with Shimizu next him sleep.

"Hi, Akamaru." He said tiredly before realizing what was going on. "Naruto?"

"Hey Kura we're back." Naruto said smiling.

Everyone noticed that Kurama was talking to someone and looked over at who he was talking to and saw everyone "You're finally back." Konan said getting up to hug them. "We have a new addition to the family." Konan said.

They looked around before they saw a mess of white hair sitting on the other side of Madara "Her name is Yami." Inuyasha said.

That name sounded familiar to Naruto so he decided to call out to her "Yami?"

She moved and when she saw Naruto she quickly ran over "Naruto-nii you came back for me!"

"I did, I'm sorry I left you with them."

"Do you know her?" Kisame asked.

Naruto nodded "She used to come to the hospital after those beatings from the villagers."

He didn't realize but Yami had pulled Menma away from him and Akira followed the two children. Naruto looked past everyone and saw Madara and Itachi not getting up "Are you guys not going to say hi?"

Itachi looked over first and blinked to make sure he wasn't seeing things, once he saw that he wasn't he quickly got up and went over to Shikamaru. Shikamaru opened his arms for him with a lazy smile on his face. Madara looked over due to the fact that Yami had got up without him noticing at first. Naruto smiled as he walked over to Madara, but as Naruto got closer Madara noticed something was off. He was able to tell that Naruto was around two other guys besides the ones that just came in "Who were they?" Madara asked.

"Who?" Naruto was confused.

"Who were the other men you were with?"

Naruto's eyes widened as he didn't think he would have to tell him this early on "I-it was Sasuke and Kakashi, I was helpless." Naruto mumbled the last part.

"What happened?"

Naruto shook his head showing that he didn't want to tell him. Shimizu soon woke up and saw Naruto but she also saw something was off and she motioned for him to come over to her "What's wrong?"


Shimizu knew not to push any further so she just dropped it. Naruto quickly went to his and Madara's room not wanting to bother anyone with his problems "Does anyone know what happened to Naruto?" Madara asked them.

"What do you mean?" Kiba asked.

"He smelt like two other men."

They thought about it then it clicked for Neji "There was a day where he came to Kiba's house covered in blood, but he didn't want to talk about it."

"My mom probably knows what happened since we were suddenly told to pack up." Shikamaru said.

"Wait where's Menma?" Hinata asked.

They looked around til they heard a small voice "Yes?" A fluff of red hair popped up.

"Do you know what happened when you were with Naruto at Yoshino's home?"

He thought about it "Yep, he said something about Sasuke and someone else."

"How old is this kid?" Hidan asked.

"He's five." Hinata answered. (Sorry I changed his age last minute.)

"What did he say about them?" Itachi asked after hearing his brother's name.

"Uh, he said that they," he stopped to find the word "they raped him."

The atmosphere in the room changed completely when Menma said that. They looked over to Madara to see what he would do, but he wasn't sitting in his spot. "What about the night that we were going to leave the village who did he meet up with?" Shikamaru asked.

"A man who had snakes." He moved his shirt a bit to show his shoulder "He put this on me, it really hurts, and Naruto has one too."

Kurama's eyes widen "We have to get that off of you now."

"We have to wait for Naruto first." Hinata said. "He might've let Orchimaru do that on purpose."

"Why would he? He knows what it does." Kiba stated.

"I have an idea as to why he did it." Shikamaru said.

"Then tell us." Kurama was impatient.

"Sit down first."

They went over to the couch and Shikamaru started explaining what he thinks Naruto did it for.

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