Chapter 23

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Disclaimer: Rape will be mentioned in this chapter

3rd POV

Training was finally over and Naruto said his goodbyes to everyone except one person- no thing. He started to make his way over to Kiba's house completely ignoring the glares he was getting. He wasn't paying attention to the raven haired bitch that was following him. Since he left Sakura to take Akira home for him, he didn't have anyone to alert him that he was being followed. Naruto had just walked by Ichiraku Ramen when he was pulled into an alleyway only to be met with a face that he doesn't like, Kakashi, Naruto tried turning away from him only for Kakashi to grab his wrist "I didn't get to say what I needed to." Kakashi spoke.

"I need to get somewhere." Naruto said avoiding Kakashi's gaze.

"Why are you in a hurry? It's not like what you need to do is important."

"What I need to do is none of your business." Naruto was still struggling to get out of his hold.

"You can't leave just yet Naruto." They heard Sasuke's voice.

The rape scene is starting skip if uncomfortable

Naruto froze he didn't know what to do at that moment. He was being cornered by two guys that he is completely helpless against. "W-what do you want from me?" Naruto asked scared.

"Just doing what we wanted to do to you after we found out you left the village." Kakashi answered before throwing Naruto to Sasuke.

Naruto watched as Kakashi started to unbuckle his pants and he felt Sasuke fiddling with his. "W-wait you don't have to do this." Naruto started struggling again.

"Stop struggling and take it!" Sasuke slapped him.

Naruto stopped and started crying "Don't cry doll it'll all be over soon." Kakashi reached over to caress his face.

Naruto flinched away as he felt something hard against his butt. "P-please don't touch me." Naruto got free until he felt Kakashi grabbing his wrist again and shoving him hard against the wall.

"You've been such a bad doll looks like we'll have to punish you."

Next thing Naruto knew was that he was going to be raped by two men he hates.

Raping ends here

When they finished Naruto was left in a puddle of semen and his blood. He felt dirty, he felt like he just cheated on Madara. He knows he didn't but because he let other men violate him, other people that weren't Madara, he felt like he cheated. Naruto pulled his pants up and shakily walked to Kiba's house unknowingly being followed by a certain snake lover.


Kiba POV

"Naruto is late today." I complained.

"Only by thirty minutes." Neji said.

"Maybe Kakashi held their training a bit longer today." Shikamaru cut in.

"He couldn't have held training longer than they usually do because I saw Sakura and some other guy walking with Akira." Hinata said from her spot on the floor.

"He never lets anyone other than us take Akira." I looked at her.

"It seemed like Naru wanted her to take him." She answered.

"Oh, but why when she's with someone he doesn't know?" Neji asked.

"I don't know." She shrugged.

We heard the door open and we saw Naruto standing there with cuts all over his body "Naruto what happened?" Shikamaru quickly went over to him.

Naruto looked pretty shaken up so he didn't answer "Naruto are you okay?" I asked him.

He still didn't answer he just walked straight to my bathroom, I think to look for the first aid kit. I looked back at everyone and I think we were all thinking the same thing. When he walked back out he went right over to Hinata and started crying "I want to go home not the home they want me to have the one where I am welcomed." He said between sobs.

"Naruto do you wanna talk about it?" She asked him.

He shook his head "No, not today."

"How about instead of planning today when can just hangout for a bit." She suggested as she was starting to run her hand through his hair.

"Okay." He gripped onto her shirt more.

She looked over at me and I quickly got up to get some snacks for the long hours ahead of us.

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