Chap 12

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A couple months later

Kiba POV

I was walking around the base with Akamaru when I saw a tall red and black haired man along with a brunette long haired woman sitting on the couch with Naruto and Shikamaru. "Oh Kiba come join us this is Kurama and Shimizu." He pointed to the people on the couch.

"Hi I'm Kiba." I wanted face palm at that moment cause they already know my name. I walked over and laid my head on Naruto's lap. "Not to sound rude or anything but who are they?"

"They're  the 'demons' that were sealed into us the only difference is that Shikamaru wasn't shunned because of his." Naruto answered but he sounded hurt.

"Kit it wasn't your fault it was Fugaku's."

"I know it wasn't but it hurts to know that people saw me as you when we both didn't do anything bad."

"Naruto you don't have to blame yourself for everything." Shimizu said in a motherly tone.

"Naruto it's fine you don't have to deal with them anymore we're out of that village for good." Shikamaru comforted him.

"Naruto you weren't the only one shunned for having a demon in you." They all looked over to me.

"Who do you have sealed in you?" Kurama asked me.

"I have Inuyasha sealed in me."

"Can you have him come out I just wanna talk to him." Shimizu said a sicken sweet smile.

"Do not let me out she is going to kill me." My eyes widened when he spoke.

"Is he speaking to you?" I nodded my head "Tell him to come out please." I nodded again and let him out.

"Hi Shimizu." He waved nervously to her.

"Hey Inu let's go talk." She grabbed him by his ear. Soon all you could hear were yelling and pained screams.

"What's happening?"

"She's 'talking' to him. She did the same to me." Kurama spoke up. Soon Hinata came into the living room.

"Morning Hinata." Shikamaru waved her over.

"Morning guys. Who's this?" She asked pointed at Kurama just as Shimizu and Inuyasha came back in.

"This is the kyuubi, Kurama, and Shikamaru and Kiba's demons, Shimizu and Inuyasha." Naruto pointed to each of the demons as he went.

Hinata POV

"Nice to meet you as Shikamaru said I'm Hinata." I said taking note on how Shimizu was looking at me. Akamaru came running over to me and jumped on my lap.

"So who's cooking?" Naruto asked.

"I'll do it." Shimizu and I said at the same time.

"Well get too it I'm sure everyone will be waking up soon." As he finished saying that Hidan came out.

"Where are all these fucking people coming from?" He threw his hands up in defeat and I only got up and walked to the kitchen.

"You coming Shimizu?" I asked the brunette.

"Yea." She quickly followed me.

Shikamaru POV

"That's her mate I can tell." I said.

"How can you tell?" Kiba asked me.

"Well the way she's acting." I pointed out.

"Oh." He closed his eyes to take a short nap and I laid my head back on Naruto's shoulder and fell asleep too.

Naruto POV

Kiba and Shikamaru both fell asleep and Hidan asked, "So are you gonna fucking tell me who these people are?"

"First of all watch your language. Second these are our demons and the kyuubi." I answered his question.

"You're telling me that you let the great fucking nine tailed fox out?"

"Yes and watch your language one day we're gonna have kids running around here."

"What do you mean?" He asked.

"Me, Shikamaru, and Kiba can have kids." He looked shocked at first.

"That's good." He walked over to sit down next to Kurama when Itachi and Madara came out.

"Good morning." I looked up from playing with Kiba's hair.

"Morning Naruto." Madara said in that sexy morning voice of his.

"Morning." Itachi said after him.

"Who's this?" Madara pointed to Kurama and Inuyasha on the couch.

"I'm Kurama and this is Inuyasha and that was Shimizu in the kitchen with Hinata." Kurama answered. They looked confused "The kyuubi is who I am." He said clarifying.

They simply just nodded. "They fell asleep again?" Itachi asked.

"Yea we are just waiting for the food to be done. Though I feel like Hinata and Shimizu are both messing around."

"We're not messing around Naruto!" I heard Shimizu yell from the kitchen.

"Sure you aren't."

"And breakfast will be done in a minute."

"Alright." I called back.

Heyo here's the chapter for today. I hope you liked it and have a great day.


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