Chapter 15

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"Where is my son! Did you get him back?" Kushina came in the Hokage's office.

"Kushina we are trying so hard to get him back." Tsunade said to her.

"You guys can't be serious they don't want to come back it seems like they are having a nice life there." Shikaku said.

"You let your son be taken by that monster and what it calls a boyfriend!" Sasuke yelled at him.

"Because I knew he wasn't happy in this village. He wanted to be with someone who is like him. Something some people call a demon, monster, waste of space, even a murderer and many more." Shikaku explained calmly.

"But he's neither of those things." Minato said.

"He is he has the deer demon, Shimizu, in him."

"So everybody who has a demon in them left because they didn't feel safe?" Sakura asked.

"Neji and Hinata don't have demons sealed in them but they still left." Lee said.

"Cause he brainwashed them!" Sasuke yelled.

"How could he have brainwashed them? He doesn't even know how to do it. Plus Kakashi never taught him anything." Asuma cut in.

"Why would you need to train something that would later on become a weapon? Cause he does already have the necessary powers to help us if we were to ever go to war." Sasuke said.

"My son isn't a monster!" Kushina yelled.

"You never treated him like a son," Shikaku turned to her "you treated him like a waste of space. You treated him like a monster when in reality you were the monster here."

Minato cut in "Don't call my wife a monster!"

"I wasn't just calling her a monster I'm calling everyone but myself a monster because I was the only one with common sense to let my child play with someone who people called a murderer because of what he had sealed inside of him."

"But he rea-" Sasuke started.

"Shut up Sasuke I don't care if you're an Uchiha, but let me say this. You saw that he was lonely like you were after your clan was murdered, yet you let your title of being an Uchiha get to your head. You thought that you were better than him right?"

"I did."

"You do realize that Uzumaki's are most likely stronger than you right?" He asked.


"Do you know who saved him when he was being beat by the villagers?"


"Your brother and I saved him multiple times. What I'm saying is that he went through so much but still held a smile on his face even for people who didn't even care about his existence."

"Itachi saving him doesn't mean anything."

"It does actually and I'm glad Itachi saved him too. It seems like Asuma wanted to help Naruto too but his father didn't let him." He looked at Asuma "Am I correct?"

"Yes you are." Asuma nodded.

"What would you do if I were to join the Akatsuki lady Tsunade?" he asked as he turned to her.

"Mark you as a rogue ninja."

"Ah I see. I shall be taking my leave then." he waved to them as he walked out of the room.

"Kakashi make sure he doesn't leave." Tsunade said to the masked man.

"Yes lady Tsunade." he left out the door.

"This is going to be everyones last chance to bring them back if you don't then we will have to get them back by using force." She said to the rest of them.

"Yes ma'am." They all bowed and left to pack their things.

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