Chapter 32

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Naruto POV

After I walked to me and Madara's room and flopped on the bed. I soon heard footsteps coming and then the door opened. "Naruto are you okay?" Madara asked.

I didn't answer "Naruto please answer me." He sat down on the bed.

I turned my head to look at him "What?"

"I asked if you were okay." He said softly.

"I'm fine."

"Okay, did you not want to tell me because it involved Sasuke?"

My eyes widened, Menma told them "Yes," I started "but we don't have to worry anymore."

"Why?" He asked.

"Because they finally realize that we're happy where we are."

"You're really happy here?"

"Of course I am."

"Then why did you go with them?"

"I had no choice and it was Hinata's idea."


"She wanted to see what they would do and at first it seemed like they were being nice until," I stopped "you know."

"I understand." He said running his hand through my hair.

We soon heard two pairs of small footsteps coming to our room we looked over to the door to see Yami and Menma standing there (🧍‍♀️🧍) "Naruto-nii, Kurama wants to speak to you." Yami said.

I sighed and walked over to them "He saw didn't he?" I asked Menma.

He nodded "He wants to take it off."

"Take what off?" Madara asked.

"The curse marks Orchimaru gave us." I answered.

Yami took Menma's hand and led him back to the living room "Are you coming or staying?"

"I'm coming." He said getting up.

I nodded and followed after the two kids. I walked into the living room where everyone was sitting down "You wanted to speak to me." I said making everyone look at me.

"Yes, why did you get the curse mark on you and Menna?" Kurama asked.


"You know what it will do to you though." Kiba said.

"I know but it'll be worth it once Menma becomes of age." I smirked "Plus they wouldn't expect it to be him anyways since he was Minato and Kushina's son."

"Wasn't he the fourth Hokage in your village?" Hidan asked.

"He was and I guess he gave up his position."

Before anyone could say anything else there was a knock at the front door. The chakras were familiar, they were Sasuke and Kakashi's. I had red chakra bellowing at my feet as I walked over. I took a deep breath and opened the door and it was Sasuke and Kakashi "Did you not hear what I said?" I asked angrily.

"We did but we were sent by Lady Tsunade as a punishment." Sasuke answered.

"So she basically gave you guys death immediately?" I leaned on the door frame.

Kakashi nodded "She did, she wants you to torture us but you can't kill us."

"Ah, I see well if that's the case then come in." I smirked again.

"Why are you letting them come in?" Shikamaru asked.

"They were sent by Tsunade for a punishment." I said happily "We can torture them." I turned to Kurama "Do you have any chakra suppressant seals?"

"I can make some." He responded.

"Okay," I looked a Kakashi and Sasuke "come with me."

They nodded as I led them to the basement "Why did you both do it?" I asked.

"Do what?" Sasuke asked.

I turned around quickly and punched him square in his face "You know what!"

"It was Sasuke's idea." Kakashi said.

I quickly punched him too "How the hell was it just his idea?! You were both looking at me lustfully when we were training! It couldn't just have been his idea in any way, shape, or fucking form!" They started to stand up holding their noses "I really just want to know why you did it!"

I didn't wait for an answer I just wrapped my chakra chains around their legs and made them fall as I dragged them behind me. "We're sorry." Kakashi said.

I scoffed "I'm not gonna listen to your pleas because you didn't do the same."

I released the chains as we were already in the basement "We're going to be sitting here until Kurama has the chakra suppressant seals."

After a couple minutes of waiting Kurama came into the basement. Kurama handed me the seals and left while I went over to Kakashi and Sasuke "If either of you speak I'm cutting your tongues out." They both looked scared "We wouldn't that would we?" They shook their heads "Good."

I put the seals on them and went over to a shelf that held a bunch of chains on it, I grabbed the chains and went back over to Sasuke and Kakashi. I wanted to see what they would do so I asked them a question "How long did she saw we could keep you?" They looked me with sorry eyes but didn't say anything. "You can talk, I don't have anything to hurt you with, yet."

Sasuke gulped before he started speaking "S-she said a year."

"See it wasn't so bad, now was it?" I asked standing up after putting them both in the chains. He shook his head "Well I'll see you two later, don't go anywhere." I chuckled as I walked out.

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