Chap 11

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Naruto POV

"Why are the Konoha ninja here?" I whispered to Shikamaru.

"You sensed them too?" He whispered back.

"Yea come on let's check it out quickly." We both started to get up since we were both finished with our food.

"Where are you guys going?" Konan asked us.

"We're gonna watch the sunset," I looked towards Deidara "with Deidara." I finished by pulling him out of his chair.

"Wha-" I covered his mouth.

"We'll be going now." I dragged Deidara with me.

"Why did you drag me out here?"

"There are Konoha nin in one of these bushes." I pointed to a specific one and he followed where my finger was pointing.

"Oh so you want me to make an explosion?" He turned to look at me.

"Are you trying to kill us?!" Shikamaru slapped the back of his head.

"No." He rubbed the back of his head.

"I'm gonna do what I did when we first encountered them," Deidara and Shikamaru looked at me confused. "Come out we know you're there."

All the Konoha nin jumped out except Kiba and Akamaru, Neji, and Hinata. "Hey Naruto and Shikamaru." Sakura said.

"What do you need?" I said with venom in my voice and everybody flinched.

"We wanted to join." Kakashi cut in.

"No." I turned to walk away when a fireball was shot at me. "Careful Sasuke you almost hit me."

"That the point dobe."

"Quiet. Why do wanna join and if you say to kill Itachi I will kill you right here, right now."

"We saw how the villagers treated you." Asuma cut in.

"If you saw how they treated me then why didn't you stop them?" I turned to look at them.

"Because it was against the Hokage's rules."

"You didn't want to go against rules just once?!" He opened his mouth to say something "At that time the Hokage was your father Asuma! Your father dammit you could've gone against the rules once he didn't have to know!"

"Naruto calm down." Shikamaru said as he and Deidara put their hands on my shoulder. "You're showing some red chakra." I looked down at my hands and saw that I was.

"Sorry I didn't mean to snap like that." I put my head down. "Deidara can you get those stupid Uchiha's."

"Well they clearly aren't stupid if ya'll are with them." He said back mockingly.

"You're with one too now go please."

"Alright." He turned and went to get them.

"Where is he going?" Ino asked.

"To get some people." Shikamaru answered his old teammate. "Come sit down it's gonna be a while." Shikamaru motioned to a couple spots on the ground. "Sasuke you stay over there we don't trust you just yet." Sasuke opened his mouth to protest but quickly closed it and did as Shikamaru said.

"Deidara you bitch!" We heard a female voice call from inside.

"Of course he bothered Konan first." Shikamaru shook his head.

"Who's Konan?" Ino asked.

"She's sorta our medic." Shikamaru answered.

"Sorta? She saved my life after I was almost killed by that monster over there!" I yelled and pointed at Sasuke.

"I'm not the monster you are!" He yelled back.

"I'm sorry I'm a what?" I stood up and tilted my head a little.

"No you don't." I felt arms wrap around me. I looked up and saw Madara looking down at me.

"I wasn't gonna do anything." I pouted.

"Sure you weren't." He looked up and saw the Konoha ninja in front of us. "Why are they here?"

"They wanted to join but I don't trust them."

"You shouldn't." I turned to where the voice came from and saw Kiba, Akamaru, Hinata, and Neji. "They're following that old drunken bat's orders." Kiba pointed to them.

"I knew something was wrong when I didn't see you four." Akamaru came over to me so I had started petting him.

"Alright you caught us." Asuma said and they all got into fighting stances.

"Sasuke I wouldn't shoot that fireball if I were you." Shikamaru looked him in the eyes.

"What a foolish little brother you really are." Itachi said walking up from behind Shikamaru.

"I-Itachi-" he stuttered out.

"Is he really fucking stuttering I didn't know Uchiha's could stutter." Hidan said.

"No we do. Say Bakashi where's Rin?" Tobi asked his old teammate.

"You have your eye to him?" Sasori asked.

"Shut up let's see what happens next." I hissed out.

"Obito is that you?"

"No it's Satan, yes it's me!" He yelled. "Now where is Rin?"

"I-I killed her."

Tobi blinked once then twice. "I see, didn't you promise me that you would keep he safe?" He had his sharingan activated.

"Yes but she jumped in fro-"

"Shut up I can't deal with all this talking just go back to that hell you call home don't come back ever." He snapped.

"You heard him. Leave!" Konan said after trying to kill Deidara.

They were reluctant at first but then decided to leave. "I'm tired." I said leaning into Madara.

"Alright let's get some sleep." He picked me up bridal style and carried me to our room with Akamaru going straight to Shikamaru.

Shikamaru POV

Akamaru came over to me and I looked up into Kiba's eyes "You can stay. But you're gonna have to share a room for a while."

"Okay." Hinata said happily and jumped on Kiba's back and Neji just simply nodded.

"You're gonna like it here. Trust me it's better than that village." Kisame said walking over to us. I waved to them and walked off.

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