Chapter 14

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Kiba POV

"So what about our changes did you need to talk about?" I asked them.

"We forgot to mention that there will be changes that'll happen to your body." Inuyasha answered.

"Like what changes?" Naruto asked.

"You know what happened the night you were... you know?" Kurama asked Naruto.


"Well when that happened you somehow used some of my chakra to create a fox like chakra shape." He explained.

"Oh, okay. Can we get more information on the bodily changes?"

Kurama nodded "Well Naruto would get fox like features like ears and instead of one tail you will have four." Kurama explained Naruto's changes.

"For your changes Kiba," Inuyasha turned his attention to me "You will just get dog ears since I'm not a well known demon like a certain someone." He said looking over to Kurama.

"I can't help my status." He threw his hands up.

"You guys argue like a married couple." Naruto cut in.

"We may but we aren't and never will get married. We already know who our mates are." Inuyasha responded.

"We can tell who your mates are." Naruto said grabbing my hand and walking back to the couch.

"I don't know who their mates are." I turned to Naruto.

"Well Inu's mate just so happened to Neji and Kurama's well you'll just have to find out." He answered before he and Hinata switched spots on the couch.

I quickly walked over to him "What do you mean I will have to find out?"

"Exactly what it means." He said shrugging.

"Can you tell me who his mate is?"

"Nope." Akamaru and Akira came over to us and Naruto just started speaking to Akira completely ignoring me I sat on the couch and pouted while Akamaru came to comfort me.

Naruto POV

Kiba stopped asking me who Kurama's mate was he's still a little dense even after living with a couple of smart people for a few months. Soon Deidara and Shikamaru came over and sat on the floor in front of me and Neji which ended up in them just laying down on the floor. Neji, Kiba, Hinata, and I all moved to the floor with them soon falling asleep in a pile.

Madara POV

I walked into the living room with Itachi to see Kiba, Naruto, Shikamaru, Hinata, Deidara, Neji, Akamaru and a fox on the floor sleep in a pile. I chuckled and walked to get a blanket over them but only to see Shimizu already walking over with blankets to put on them she gave them kisses on their foreheads like a loving mother would her child. She spotted us and walked over "They're exhausted because of everything that had been happening."

"Where did the fox come from?" Itachi asked her.

"They brought the kit in his name is Akira." She explained "Akira's mother was killed earlier so Naruto decided to take him in."

"Oh okay so we're just going to leave them on the floor there?" I asked her.

"Yea I feel like they don't want to be separated just yet cause I feel those Konoha ninja are planning something."

We simply nodded and went to kitchen to make dinner.

Heyo it's me I'm off break now. I hope you liked this chapter.


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