Chapter 28

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Naruto POV

Menma and I slipped out the house once Minato and Kushina were in their room falling asleep. We hopped on the rooftops and ran towards the gates with Akira following close behind "Menma are you okay?" I asked him.

"Yep!" He spoke with his face buried in my neck.

I chuckled "Okay."

I heard someone following behind me so I stopped "Who's there?" I didn't turned around.

I heard a familiar chuckle from years ago "Naruto are you leaving so soon?"

It was Orchimaru "What do you want?"

"Why don't you stay longer, everyone will miss you." I scoffed.

"Like hell anyone would, they all hate me."

"Clearly Sasuke and Kakashi don't."

I turned around to look at him "I really need to go."

"Come on stay a little longer." He begged.

I shook my head "I really can't stay."

"Naruto what's happening?" Menma asked.

I turned to look at him "Nothing, everything is fine you can go back to sleep."

Orchimaru laughed "You're taking the fourth Hokage's son."

"He's my brother so I have every right to take him."

"But wouldn't you get put in jail for that?" Orchimaru asked faking innocence.

"Not if I keep running."

"Naruto, we both know that you don't want to keep running."

"You're right, but I'll do anything to keep Menma away from them."

"Just stay a bit longer and I'll help you get revenge on everyone here."

I stared at him, he only wants to have me under his control. But I could get revenge on everyone here. Should I take the help from him? I looked down at Akira to see him looking up at me "Don't do it." He said to me.

I looked back at Orchimaru and had my choice.

Shikamaru POV

"Naruto's late again." Kiba complained.

"What if the same thing that happened the other day is happening again?" Neji asked.

"If it is we need to go look for him." I said.

"We don't have to, he's coming over to us now." Hinata pointed to a figure coming close and it seem like they were holding something.

Something seemed off about him as he was walking over. I can't tell what it is but it's not him "Guys I don't think that's Naruto."

"What do you mean that's not him?" Kiba asked.

"He doesn't have the large chakra reserves Naruto has." I answered. "That either has to be a clone or someone who's pretending to be him."

The figure came closer and it was Naruto with Akira and Menma "Sorry I took so long I had ran into someone."

"Are you a clone or the real Naruto?" Hinata asked.


I thought of something only Naruto and everyone at the Akatsuki would know "What is the Kyuubi's name?"

"Kurama." He answered "Now if you're done asking questions we should go."

I looked at Kiba and he said something to Akamaru. Akamaru went over to Naruto and started to sniff him, once he was done he started rubbing against his leg "See I'm the real Naruto."

I sighed "Fine, since you're real then you can come with us."

He nodded and we walked out of the gates, we walked by the guards who never had a problem with Naruto "Stay safe everyone." Izumo said to us as we were walking "Especially you Naruto."

"You got it, Izumo." He smiled at him.

They nodded and we took to the trees trying to not be spotted by anyone. It was going to be quiet on our way back since Menma was sleep.

Hey, so like I'm at the point where I don't care about school so I just wrote this chapter quickly and I will get back to posting chapters again.


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