Chapter 27

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Madara POV

I sat watching the sunset missing Naruto's touch, I miss his soothing voice, I miss his smile that's brighter than the sun, his long blonde hair flowing in the wind, his blue eyes that shines when the sun hits them, his soft small hands, and the faint whisker marks on his cheeks. I heard something move in the bushes to the right of me and pulled out a kunai to kill whatever was there "Who's there?"

A small child came out of the bushes "Please don't hurt me." She spoke.

I lowered my kunai but still had my guard up "I'm not going to hurt you." I said to her "Can you tell me your name?"

"It's Yami." She answered.

"How old are you?"


She didn't look like she could be a threat so I motioned for her to come closer. She hesitated for a bit before coming to me "Do you need help getting patched up?" I motioned to her cuts.

"Yes." She said softly.

"Where's your family?" I tried making small conversation. She mumbled something "What was that?"

"They didn't want me." She said a bit louder.

"If your family didn't want you then my family will."

She looked up with bright yellow eyes "Really!"

I nodded "Of course, that family clearly couldn't see how much of a nice kid you are."

"Thank you mister."

"You can call me Madara." I correct her.


We entered the base to see Konan with Deidara in a chokehold "Stop that, I have someone I want you guys to meet."

They stopped immediately and turned to us "Who's this little cutie?" Konan asked.

I looked down at Yami "Do you wanna introduced yourself?"

She nodded "I'm Yami." She smiled.

"I'm Konan."


"You'll meet the others later and there are more coming back soon."


"I'll be taking her to get patched up." Konan said walking over to us.

"What's up with you and Naruto picking up fucking strays?" Hidan asked.

"Yami isn't a stray, her family didn't want her and I took it upon myself to bring her in."

"That's what a fucking stray is Madara."

"Like I said Yami isn't a stray."

"Okay I get it she isn't a stray, but at least don't pick up anymore kids."

"Sure." I responded walking away.

Naruto POV

I was almost finished back Menma's clothes when I heard footsteps coming to his room. I panicked and quickly hid the bag under his bed. Kushina walked into the room and looked at me "What are you doing in here?"

"Looking for Menma's toy that he lost since he couldn't find it." I lied.

"He could've came to me."

I rolled my eyes "Well he didn't, now if you'll excuse me I need to look for his toy."

She nodded and walked away, when I felt her chakra far away I pulled the bag from underneath his bed. I had let out a breath I didn't know I was holding, but that didn't matter, what did matter was that I am finally able to leave this village for good. I wouldn't have to be around Sasuke or Kakashi any longer, or around people who are faking like they care for me. I'm happy that I can take Menma with me but the only problem is that he will have to go into hiding with us.

I heard Menma's footsteps coming to the door "Naruto." He called.

"Yes Menma?" I asked not looking away from his clothes.

"Akira bit me again."

I chuckled "Did you pull on his tail?"


I turned to look at him "Menma, you know he hates that."

"I know, but it was an accident."

"Okay, come here." I opened my arms for him. "Are you happy that we're leaving?"

He nodded and I pulled away from him "Go play with Akira again and by then we'll be ready to leave."

Menma nodded and ran back to my room where he and Akira were playing. I finished packing his clothes and stuck my head out to see if anyone was coming. When I didn't see anyone I slipped out of his room back to mine with his clothes. It was such a relief that we're able to leave without anyone noticing. All I wanted was a peaceful life, I don't want to keep hiding, I just want to walk around freely.

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