Chapter 40

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Naruto looked away from Minato and looked at Kakashi then back at Minato. Kakashi brought the kunai up and Minato looked even more scared. Then he brought it down but made a quick motion and threw it at Naruto.

Naruto saw it coming and as it kept coming closer and closer, he made a movement to catch it but instead Madara caught it. He handed it back to Naruto and he walked over to Kakashi. "You know the consequences if you spoke."

"We don't know it." Itachi said.

"It was to cut out their tongues if they spoke." Kurama said.

"I didn't tell you guys because I wanted to see if they would talk." Naruto handed Kakashi the kunai "It looks like they were too scared."

Kakashi took the kunai "Do you know why I don't want to kill my dad?" Kakashi shook his head "It's because no matter what he did to me, he's still my dad. Yes, he may have done some things that hurt me, I still thought he was my dad."

"Now you are to kill him and if you try something again," he paused and looked him straight in his eyes "Konoha won't miss you."

Kakashi nodded and Naruto walked back over to Madara. Madara looked down at Naruto wondering what's going on in his head. Both Kakashi and Minato looked at Naruto wanting to know what happened to him. "We don't have all day." Shikamaru said glaring at Kakashi.

Kakashi brought the kunai down to Minato's neck. Minato now had tears coming from his eyes. In one quick motion Kakashi slit Minato's throat, his body fell against the floor. He was choking on his blood. Naruto quickly ran out of the basement, running straight to his and Madara's room, where he had left the kids. But instead of looking happy he was crying. Why was he crying? He was able to get rid of the man who wanted to be called his father. So why was he crying? He opened the door to see that Menma wasn't in the room "Where's Menma?" He asked the other two.

"I'm right here." Naruto turned around to see Menma.

"I told you not to leave this room."

Naruto tried to hug him but he backed away "Menma what's wrong?" Then it hit Naruto "You saw didn't you?"

Menma nodded "You watched him die. Why?"

"I'll tell you why when you're older, just bare with me until then. Okay?"

"Okay." Menma hesitantly hugged Naruto who hugged back instantly. "I can't breathe." Menma choked out.

Naruto had let him go and ruffled his head "I have to get back, stay in here."

"You were just crying you shouldn't go back."

"Okay I'll stay."

Menma guided Naruto over to the bed and the three kids cuddled him.

HIhi Im sorry but i dont knowo when ill come back but heres an update

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