Chap 8

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Heyo I'm bringing my stories off of hold now. Anyways lets get on with the story.


Madara POV

I woke up to Naruto in my arms I stare at him taking in all his features like how his skin is perfectly tanned skin, his whisker marks, his barely parted lips, his light snoring, and his blue eyes... Wait his blue eyes? "Morning Madara"

"Morning," I planted a kiss on his forehead. He looked a little sick "baby are you okay"

"Ye-" he got up and ran to the bathroom that was connected to our room I heard him throwing up and rushed over. "Can you get me some water" he finished but went to throw up in the toilet.

"Yea sure" I ran out to get him some water.

Naruto POV

I started throwing up knowing what's most likely causing

'Kura-nii-chan do you know what's going on?'

'Sorry kit I wish I could tell you but I don't know what's happening either.' He said back sadly just then Madara had came in "Here I got you some water. You need to get some rest." After he said that Shikamaru came running into our room.

"Is Naruto okay?"

"Shika I'm fine you don't have worry I'm just a little sick." He just glared at me as I said that "Shika I promise I'm fine."

"Naruto do you know what today is?" I looked at him confused.

"What do you me-" my eyes widened "it can't be happening now... can it?" I looked at him with questioning eyes.

"What are you guys talking about?" Madara cut in. I forgot he was there.

"It's nothing but I need to talk to Shikamaru in private. I love you." He leaned down and pressed a kiss on my forehead.

"I love you too" with that he walked away.

After making sure he was out of earshot Shikamaru turned turned to me, "Your heat is most likely going to be coming soon. I would know because mine is coming soon also." (I did my own little spin on how heats work sorry.)

"Does Itachi know about it?"

"No I didn't tell him I was planning on doing so."

"You have to do it. I already told Madara that I could get pregnant but I never mentioned my heats." I looked up at him "We're both in some deep shit."

He nodded "Yes we are. How do you plan on telling him?"

"Like how I told him that I could get pregnant."

"And that was?..."

"When we went on a date. How do plan on doing it."

"I'll do what you did."

I nodded "Okay so we should be fine then right?"

"Yea, let's go down and get some food."

"I'll race ya." I then ran off.

"That's not fair you didn't give me a warning!" I could hear him yelling not far from behind me.

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