22 | TWENTY TWO | 이십이

162 7 3

Warning: Mention of Ddlg.

Light glimmer through the curtains, the dark room sunbathing, Fuchsia walls appearing more refined, the intricated linings alluring, the man sitting by the girl, wide awake, fingers intertwined with her, who seemed far from consciousness.

Her complexion paled to several tones, dark locks spread over the plush pillows, the angelic features silent, void of life, as she slept lifelessly.

"Hyung" startled the man looked up facing the owner of the voice, a tired smile resting over his face, the tension a bit soothed, "You should go, and eat something" looking back at the girl, the man sighed, "I'll clean her up, don't worry" the beast tried to assure.

Successfully convincing the man, he stood up glancing one last time at the girl, before leaving, watching his Hyung leave he walked to the girl, his fingers caressing her skin, as he sighed, "How long are you planning to sleep, Sugar?" looking at the unresponsive girl he sighed again, leaning in and pecking her cold lips, "Daddy misses his baby"

Uncovering the girl gently, he continued to take care of her, his gestures tender as he wiped her skin, with a wet cloth, thoughts still wandering, hovering over the conversation with the priest, looking back at the unconscious girl in his arms, he snuggled closer to her, her voice, touch, her essence still alive, as she withered in his arms.

"D-daddy, you're really leaving?" she asked, tears already prickling her wide eyes, making him chuckle a bit, at her naivetés, untying his tie, he walked towards her, who sat over the bed, her favorite bunny plushie chocking in her grip, patting his things he gestured for her to come.

Without a failure she rushed towards him, her silky night ware bouncing around due to her hurried actions, as she sat over his lap, staring into his eyes, caressing her exposed thighs, "Daddy will be back right after two days" he informed, watching tears roll down her cheeks.

"Daddy don't go, please don't go" she cried, her arms around his neck, not ready to loosen at all, her actions surprising him a bit, "Sugar will be a good girl, she won't eat sweets too, then daddy won't go right?" he sighed at her words, knowing her well.

"Baby, I'm not negotiating, I have urgent matters I need to attend, and my sugar is a good girl, she never causes troubles, and won't cause them when daddy is away" he let out a bit sternly, shutting her up completely, as the girl sobbed not letting him go, he felt weird, as she went on for a long time.

Regret, he never really understood it, and why would he? He wasn't like others, he was above them, he was the protector, someone who isn't born to please others, for him there wasn't a reason, was no need to please anyone, rather his own self.

So, he didn't quite feel, with each head he slaughtered, he became more and more dispassionate, now he didn't feel, whatever it was, fear, pain, happiness, shame, guilt, regret, none of it, he was no human, and people calling him inhuman, was ironic.

He didn't care for the feeble, why would he? It's so not him to care, for frail and weak, there's only few, they have to choose, be strong or follow the strong, if not then, them and their life was the last thing, he took responsibility of.

He was firm over his beliefs, that was until, worlds clumsiest being decided to bump into him, he of all the people, it was yet another day of his life, when he walked down the crowded streets, drenched into blood, of some insignificant being, till a small girl, crashed into him.

Quiet literally, the small figure fell right onto her butt with a loud thump! The fall quite hard, enough to draw his attention, that was when he knew was in Trouble, the slight anger in her Mister had him.

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