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My hands trembled as he inched closer, his fingers caressing my jawline, my eyes closed, the unknown warmth embracing my heart, as I breathed in our proximity, another pair of hands hovering over my skin, the touch feverish, enchanting, almost painful, as startled gasps left me, the feel of them surrounding me, making me drunk.

"Tae- Ah-" a squeal left me as he stared right at me, his beautiful dark orbs looking at me with such intensity that, it left me squirming in their hold, my heart felt like it could explode as his hands against my skin, didn't stop with their ministrations, a breath-taking smile plastered over his face as he looked back at me with triumph in his eyes.

"You don't even know how bad I want you" the lips against my neck murmured, and I sighed at the feeling, their existence bringing, such pleasure to me, that I almost forgot my own name, "I'm going to steal you, and devour you in ways, that even the gods in heaven will shy away" biting my earlobe he let out, his voice leaving me shaking.

"Jungkook- I-" his hands against my mounds, left me whining incoherently to him.

"That's right baby, call my name again, and I Hyung might stop edging you-" a broken sob left me as I saw Tae in absolute bliss, the view ethereal, the sight so beautiful that it left me crying, the pleasure gone leaving me cold-

"Hey how long are you planning on spacing out like that?" I stared wide eyed at Sung-Ho who sat in front of me, bored out of his wits without a doubt, "And why are you, avoiding my gaze like that, were you thinking something weird?" coughing at his question I shrugged trying to completely avoid the fact that I zoned out on him, and was thinking so unholy, that I would die twice to forget it.

Rolling his eyes at me, he leaned back in his chair, staring at the clear sky, "These are the last few hours of us together, shouldn't you focus more on me?" smiling awkwardly at the boy beside me, I reached out and ruffled his hairs a bit affectionately, unable to deny the fact of him being someone, I now cherish "Hey I'm not a kid stop treating me like one"

"There's one thing I need to say tho-" lowering his voice he leaned closer "If possible, forget what you saw that day, she's someone, none of us talk of anymore, it just hurts too much-"

Smiling at his words I nodded, shaking his head he continued "Well since you can't speak write me letters, and don't just get over me, okay, you're the only human I know" he seemed gloomier than any other time, and that made me a bit sad, opening my arms to hug him, I tried to reassure both of us that, we will meet again.

Little did I know, not all wishes come true in the way we hope for them.


What's going to happen next? Is it good or is it bad? It's something every being is curious off, however it's absolute bullshit, the truth is that, the knowledge of future, once you know it's a mess, the foresight is no good, it's no good for the life you live.

Its disaster, as it implants fear, hatred and absolute stupidity within, with my days without any news of her, I somehow became capable of understanding my own actions.

We knew the possibilities, probabilities of future, and even then they're vague thoughts and ideas, probably a bit mistaken, or just misunderstood, these ideas, speculations, ruined it, ruined what we could've been, me who once hoped to hear her once, without even knowing her, forced her voice to mute.

Knowing what was hidden in the future, led to horrifying course of actions, and it kept on getting worse, and now I know that it would've been better, to not know, I just learned that hard way, as I just am unable to stop things from happening.

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